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如此看来,这最后一招就剩下让日元贬值了。And so, it appear, the only thing left is devaluation.

壹友贬值的消息,菏票价格就暴跌了。Share plummet or plunge on the news of the devaluation.

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传统的教科书说通货膨胀将导致货币贬值。Traditional schoolbook says inflation will cause devaluation.

任何贬值都必定在中国政策制定者的掌控之中。Any devaluation would be in the hands of policymakers in Beijing.

他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation.

如今这种竞争力的损失,已无法再通过货币贬值得到弥补。This loss of competitiveness can no longer be compensated for by currency devaluation.

美国麦农会因此觉得美元贬值让他们有利可图。American wheat farmers will therefore find the dollar devaluation to be very lucrative.

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而且,墨西哥比索的贬值意味着以美元结算的石油收入若按比索计算将在财政收入中占据更大的份额。And the devaluation of the peso means that dollar oil revenues will go further in pesos.

随着国家赤字的成倍增加,人们开始担心美元贬值。As the country’s deficit quadruples, everyone’s worried about the devaluation of the dollar.

由于一月底传出人民币贬值的谣言,引致少量资金流出,触发。On the back of rumours about RMB devaluation in late-January, there were some outflows of funds.

好在这些国家的领导人似乎意识到新一轮的货币贬值大战对人对己都不利。But the region's leaders seem to realise that a round of competitive devaluation will help no one.

但是地区的领导人似乎也明白了一轮竞争性的货币贬值对任何一方都无济于事。But the region’s leaders seem to realise that a round of competitive devaluation will help no one.

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另外,危机后的经济衰退与危机国政府在危机中是否抛售外汇储备、是否采取汇率贬值都没有明显关系。And there is no evidence to show that devaluation and reserve losses are related to post-crises growth.

该国居民向外汇交易商兑换美元,以防范通货膨胀或是本国货币博利瓦贬值的风险。Residents seeking protection agai t inflation or a devaluation of the bolivar turn to currency traders.

因为如果市场有一个持续贬值的预期,他连长单都拿不到。Because if there is a continued devaluation of the market's expectations, he can not get a single commander.

经济学家认为,戈诺应该为津巴布韦的恶性通货膨胀和津巴布韦元创记录的贬值承担责任。Economists say Gono is responsible for hyperinflation and record-breaking devaluation of the Zimbabwe dollar.

索罗斯曾因在1992年一手导演了英镑的货币危机、迫使英镑贬值而著名。Soros is known as "the man who broke the pound" during the 1992 currency crisis, forcing a sterling devaluation.

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准确地说,通货膨胀是市场经济运行中出现的非价格因素的货币贬值。To be precise, inflation is monetary devaluation brought by non-price factors in the operation of market economy.

促销提高消费者在交易当时的评价,但长期而言,却会造成促销品的价值减损效果。Although price promotion can enhance the transactional value of the purchase, it triggers value devaluation effects.

货币贬值加上民众对菲律宾政府的普遍不满也最终让约瑟夫艾斯特拉达政权被推翻。Devaluation added to popular discontent in the Philippines, culminating in the overthrow of President Joseph Estrada.