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击中目标!Hit target!

中头彩了!Hit the jackpot!

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传给我。超帅天钩!Hit me. Sky hook!

这是一首一炮打响的歌曲。This is a song hit.

老兄,别打我Don't hit me, buddy.

你击中目标了吗?Did you hit your man?

我必须去提款机提款。I need to hit an ATM.

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我说,再打我一拳。I said, hit me again.

他冲我下巴打了一拳。He hit me on the chin.

我冲他的下巴打了一拳。I hit him on the chin.

突然,我的书掉在地板上。My book hit the floor.

啊!哦,它有没有打到我们?Aah! Oh, did it hit us?

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他刚打出一支全垒打。He just hit a home run.

他的批评击中了要害。His criticism hit home.

我打不到曲球。I cannot hit curveball.

我摔了一跤,把头撞了。I feel and hit my head.

我哥哥竟然对我还手。My brother hit me back.

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我想他肯定碰坏脑袋了。I think he hit his head.

她狠狠地打了他一拳。She hit him a hard blow.

打击手打中球了。The batter hit the ball.