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犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates.

亚历山大麦克奎恩在2010年发布了一套犰狳鞋。Alexander McQueen in 2010 released a set of armadillo shoes.

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出席盛会的还有一头长着长角的肉牛和一只叫作斯库特的犰狳。A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter.

没有半只鸡腿,孔雀脖子,连犰狳尾巴都没半根。Not one chicken leg, peacock neck or armadillo tail was left.

更大患病可能性是吃犰狳。The more likely path to infection is by noshing on armadillo.

图片中的这个家伙是一只九带犰狳,白蚁是它最主要的食物。Termites are an important part of the diet of the nine-banded armadillo.

在德克萨斯和其他南部地区,犰狳烧烤和犰狳辣椒是民间最爱。In Texas and other southern states, barbecued armadillo and armadillo chili are folk favorites.

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晚饭就是那只乌龟——此前我天真地以为它只是被送作宠物——和一盘大犰狳肉。Dinner was the tortoise — which I’d naively assumed had been offered as a pet — and a plate of giant armadillo meat.

避免运输和贩卖犰狳肉可以彻底减少本微小的犰狳导致疾病的可能性。Avoiding handling and consuming armadillo meat will drastically reduce the already small risk posed by armadillos, Truman says.

这些尸体大部分是小飞虫,这些小东西生前在屋子里横冲直撞,然后死于网中。The corpses appear to be mostly sow bugs, those little armadillo creatures who live to travel flat out in houses, and die round.

此处已发现八百五十多种鸟类以及罕见的巨型水獭和庞大的犰狳等动物。Some 850 species of birds have been identified and rare species such as the giant otter and the giant armadillo also find refuge there.

由于以上原因,与犰狳的短暂接触甚至移动路杀的犰狳尸体即患上麻风病的可能性不大。For these reasons, Truman says the risk of contracting leprosy from brief contact with an armadillo, or even from moving armadillo roadkill, is low.

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安第斯山脉地区的十弦曼陀林,其音箱部分,传统上取材自犰狳壳或乌龟壳,但今日也有木制的。A ten-stringed mandolin of Andean regions with a sound box traditionally fashioned from the shell of an armadillo or tortoise, now also made of wood.

玻璃带创建一个全新的立面结构,它类似犰狳的皮肤,以不同的深度沿曲线两侧伸出楼层。Glass bands create an innovative façade structure resembling armadillo skin and vary the depth of the protrudent part of floors along the curved sides.

“弗莱古”,来自巴西东部的三斑穿山甲,作为巴西世界杯的官方吉祥物,截止2014年巴西世界杯为止,它已经14岁了。"Fuleco", the Official Mascot, a three-banded armadillo from the eastern part of Brazil. He will be 14 years old by the time of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

我最喜爱的一种哺乳动物叫犰狳,他们之所以被这样称呼是因为他们的背和尾巴被像盔甲似的层层骨头覆盖着。One of my favorite animals is the mammal called the armadillo . They're called that because their backs and tails are covered with an armor made of plates of bone.