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京都曾是日本的首都。Kyoto used to be the capital of Japan.

祇园区是京都的另一个地标。The Gion district is another landmark in Kyoto.

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我们将超越京都议定书的目标。We are going to over-achieve our Kyoto targets.

最早使用金箔纸的是日本京都的艺妓。The first to use gold foil is Japan's Kyoto geisha.

其他则通过购买碳信用额度的方式来遵守京东议定。Others claim Kyoto compliance by buying carbon credits.

推进美国签署京都议定书的请愿书。US petition drive towards ratifying the Kyoto Protocol.

我喜欢在大阪的寺庙花园散步,我爱禅宗哲学。I love walking through the temples and gardens in Kyoto.

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洛杉叽和京都分袂是5万万和4千5百万。Los Angeles and Kyoto had 50 million and 45 million respectively.

这就意味着美国将重演其“京都故伎”。This means that the US is about to repeat its "Kyoto experience".

它是京都府内唯一的可以容纳2,000人以上的会馆。It's the only hall which can sits more than 2000 peoples in Kyoto.

仍然是日本文化中心的京都是一个必游的景点。Still the cultural center of Japan, Kyoto is an absolute must-see.

生活在京都的天童纯是个不太有自信的十五岁男孩。Tendo lived in Kyoto is very confident of pure fifteen year-old boy.

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如果美国的计划被通过,那它将代替京都议定书。The US plan, if approved, could replace the existing Kyoto protocol.

今天和两个日本闺蜜一起去京都看艺妓表演的舞蹈。Today i went to kyoto again to see geisha dance, with Noriko and Rie.

但是,正如我们所看到的,像京都议定书这样的框架,But as we saw, you know, a lot of the framework of the Kyoto Protocol

“我是京都的Gudo,我要去Edo,”禅师答道。I am Gudo of Kyoto and I am going on to Edo, ' replied the Zen master.

虽然我反对布什,但是不签署京都议定书对美国来说确是好事。Though being anti-Bush, not signing Kyoto was a good thing for the US.

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京都具有浓郁的日本风情,是日本人心灵的故乡。Kyoto have full-bodied amorous feelings of Japan, Japanese mind hometown.

即使问题发生在西雅图或者京都,我们都可以在科堡在线的排除这些问题。Störungen in Seattle oder Kyoto können wir so von Coburg aus online beheben.

大阪关西国际机场离京都刚刚一个小时的火车车程。Osaka’s Kansai International airport is just over an hour by train from Kyoto.