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不,不能提供岸吊。No, dockside cranes not available.

粮食也可能延搁在海上或码头上。Food can also be held up on the seas or at the dockside.

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吉得宾可以增加保护港湾的法力,让这个侵蚀库拉斯特的邪恶不再更进一步。The Gidbinn will reinforce the enchantments that protect the dockside from the evil that infests Kurast.

突然间坂本发现了那条船。那条船在码头边像个死靶子。坂本迫不及待地冲了上去。Suddenly Sakamoto spotted the ship, she was like a sitting duck at dockside. He couldn't wait to get to her.

货物堆满了港口,空船就等在岸边,因为出口商得不到信用证,无法保证发出货物之后能够收到货款。Cargoes pile up on the dockside and ships wait empty because exporters cannot get letters of credit to secure payment on delivery.

无论机场或码头的喧嚣如何分心,一条出色的侦缉犬必须能专注搜寻毒品的任务。A good detector must be capable of focusing on the task of searching for drugs, despite the circus of distractions in any airport or dockside.

在下午枪击后不久,警方接到通报,随后武装警察,消防队,医务人员和救护直升机抵达事发码头。Police were notified of the shooting shortly after noon, with armed police, firefighters, paramedics and an air ambulance attending the dockside scene.

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道具设计师斯图亚特·克雷格说,在选择外景地的过程中,他路过利物浦的一个码头,当即他就得到了现在这个孤儿院的灵感。Production designer Stuart Craig says that the exterior of the orphanage was inspired by a building he came across while location scouting on the dockside in Liverpool.

提兹再生能源电厂建在英国三大港口之一的提兹港周边空置区域,预期在2012年投入商业运营。The Tees Renewable Energy Plant is anticipated to start commercial operation in late 2012, benefiting from suitable dockside acreage in one of the UK's three largest ports.

然而,就目前而言,在大连并未出现特别的好战情绪,前瓦良格号航母就停靠在大连的码头边,不远处就是宜家家居商场和山姆俱乐部。For now, however, there isn't any particular mood of belligerence in Dalian, where the former Varyag sits dockside within view of an Ikea store and the site of a new Sam's Club.

建筑材料是从该区域搜集起来的,包括钢铁、天然岩石、水泥和木材等,这些反应原来码头景色的材料都装扮成了当代的建筑风格。The construction materials selected across the development, including steel, natural stone, cement and wood reflect the former dockside character but are used in a contemporary style.

救援团体说,关税规定不清楚、缺乏可用仓库,以及所有集装箱都被要求卸下接受海军官员的检查等,都导致了物品在码头的堆积。Aid groups say unclear rules on duties, lack of available warehousing, and a requirement that every container be unloaded and inspected by navy officers have led to the dockside pile-up.

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4月19日,美国参议院菲茨杰拉德号,一艘重6800吨的导弹驱逐舰附带着传说上有名的第七舰队,缓缓驶进了青岛海港,海港里有中国海员在前沿码头监视的表示欢迎的方阵。On April 19, the U.S.S. Fitzgerald, a 6, 800 ton missile destroyer with the storied 7th Fleet, cruised into Qingdao harbor, a welcoming phalanx of Chinese sailors standing at attention dockside.

4月19日,美国海军隶属于第七舰队的6800吨排水量的菲茨杰拉德号导弹驱逐舰,在中国海军士兵的列队欢迎之下驶入青岛港。On April 19, the U. S. S. Fitzgerald, a 6,800 ton missile destroyer with the storied 7th Fleet, cruised into Qingdao harbor, a welcoming phalanx of Chinese sailors standing at attention dockside.