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卡夫卡的小说则打开了一个无限扩张的非理性世界。Kafka's novels opened up a yawning "frontier to implausibility".

首先,让我们来分析一下令人难以置信的中国官方统计数据。First, let's deal with the implausibility of the official Chinese statistics.

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这份警方文件真实可信的原因之一,是伪造这样一份文件并不可信。What makes the police document credible is the implausibility of it being a forgery.

这个看似不太真实的声明无法降低这个计划的潜在影响。The implausibility of that claim should not detract from the potential impact of the plan.

但它是独创的、大胆而激动人心的,而且因为它没有任何坏处而显得有点不真确。But it was original, audacious and exciting and a spot of wild implausibility did it no harm at all.

这个统计数字发给了他编辑的杂志。但他没登,因为这事一是歧视女性,二是难以置信。This statistic had been sent to the magazine he edits but he had rejected it on the dual grounds of sexism and implausibility.

在国内的辩论中,对于这次非决定性战争措施的指责针对的是由于伊拉克问题所引起的战略资源分散而非其本质的非正确性。In our national debate, the inconclusive effort was blamed on the diversion of resources to Iraq rather than on its inherent implausibility.

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目的是要用作戏谑,在很多方面,使人怀疑正义之城的概念,或至少是要指明其极难令人置信。That it is intended as a kind of joke to, in many ways, discredit the idea of the just city or at least to indicate its extreme implausibility.

目的是要用作戏谑,在很多方面,使人怀疑正义之城的概念,或至少是要指明其极难令人置信。That it is intended as a kind of joke to, in many ways, discredit the idea of the just city or at least to indicate its extreme implausibility.

希拉里奥甩掉了处境中的等级偏见,克服了那些让人想退缩的压力,一路向北跋涉到胜利的最终端,而这一程征途,需要无数的勇气和毅力。Hilario shrugged off the rank implausibility of his situation, ignored the wince-inducing pressure and waded straight into the deep end, which has got to take some guts.

一个难以置信的结果论的版本不会使结果论一般不可信的,因为结果主义的其他版本,还有可能是有道理的。The implausibility of one version of consequentialism does not make consequentialism implausible in general, since other versions of consequentialism still might be plausible.

也许是因为它自己的存在令人难以置信这一事实,使骷髅觉得躲在桶里几百年,偶尔咯咯傻笑,直到哪个倒霉蛋恰巧路过,是一件很搞笑的事?Perhaps the implausibility of its own existence makes the skeleton think it hilarious to hide in a barrel, cackling intermittently for some three hundred years until a victim happens by?