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你不能通过分解财富来使它翻倍。You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

一个中心的分界线就是特性或者产品。A central dividing line is feature or product.

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当你把一个单词分行时,你得写上一个连字符。You have to hyphenate a word when dividing a word.

合同诈骗罪的几个界限。"Some dividing lines of crime of contract fraud ".

缺氯时,降低叶细胞的分裂速率和烟株生长速度。Speed of cell dividing and plant growth were reduced.

我在做划分句子成分的练习。We are doing exercises on dividing sentence elements.

化学药物攻击所有快速分裂的细胞。The drugs attack every rapidly dividing cell in the body.

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我们的单细胞祖先藉著一分为二的分裂方式来繁殖。Our single-celled ancestors reproduced by dividing in two.

本文讨论了景颇语中的分化名词。This paper discusses the dividing nouns in Jingpo language.

他轻轻地来回振荡,越过了分界线。He gently oscillated back and forth across the dividing line.

因着按正意分解真理的道,我们就不必羞愧。By rightly dividing the word of truth, we need not be ashamed.

请考虑用于将一列数字划分成几块的两个规则。Think of two rules for dividing a list of numbers into blocks.

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这是通过把我们的项目划分为一组迭代过程实来现的。This is done by dividing our project into a set of iterations.

第四部分关于问题的陈述部分是一个明确的分割线。Section 4, the problem statement, is the obvious dividing line.

这两股气团的分界线叫锋面。The dividing line between the two air masses is called a front.

土地的区隔是唯一驱除他们的方法。The dividing up of the land was the only way of banishing them.

校验和值除以分母值的余数。The remainder from dividing the cksum value by the denom value.

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实施的离婚法禁止强行分开个体。Tle enforced divorce law forbids dividing individuals by force.

但是蜂蜜并非导致两国产生分歧的最大问题。But honey is not the stickiest issue dividing the two countries.

用总体回报除以购买价格即可得到这个数字。You do that by dividing the total return by your purchase price.