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这种味道让我恶心。The smell made me retch.

这气味让她恶心。The smell made her retch.

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瑞琪会让人作呕吗?Will Riich make people retch?

恶心干呕是什么原因?What reason is disgusting retch?

他身上的难闻气味使我恶心。The foul smell of his body made me retch.

主要的不良反应为恶心呕吐。The main adverse effects was nausea and retch.

窒息,作呕,因为痉挛使人反胃、想吐。Choke retch or have a spasm causing one to regurgitate.

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像往常一样,他感到一阵哆嗦,甚至有些恶心。As always, the gin made him shudder and even retch slightly.

制革工坊内部的恶臭令壮汉亦不禁窒息。The interior of a Leather Tanner's workshop can make strong men retch.

你的自私贪婪在评论中闪闪发光,这真让我想吐。Your selfish, greedy attitude shines through your comment and makes me want to retch.

所以你的宝宝的干呕现象,很可能是糖丸本身的副作用引起的。So your baby's retch phenomenon candy is likely to be caused by their own side effects.

偶尔干呕没关系,如果是很经常的还是去医院看一下放心。Retch occasionally does not matter, if it is very often go to the hospital or look at ease.

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我的情况和你一样,我的宝宝明天就11个月了,他倒是用奶瓶和水,可是不喝奶粉,一喝就干呕。My situation is like you, my baby 11 months tomorrow, and he did with the bottle and water, but do not drink milk, a drink on the retch.

既然我们了解月亮之所以能如此辉煌,并发现了她的光源所在,为什么我们不仿效月亮去追赶太阳呢?Since We know why the moon shines so magnificently and discovered the source of her brightness, why not follow suit and try to retch up with the sun?