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秋天里枫叶满山红遍。A maple tree ablaze in autumn.

很快,整个城市淹没于火海中。Soon, the entire city was ablaze.

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着火的那所房子就在我家隔壁。The house ablaze is nextdoor to me.

整座建筑物很快就烧起来了。The whole building was soon ablaze.

那座着火的房子是约汉逊先生的。The house ablaze belongs to Mr. Johnson.

「得了!我早就知道了!」老太太大动肝火。"there i know! " the old lady was ablaze.

你看见欧洲的更新非常频繁。You can see Europe is ablaze with updates.

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春天,山谷里春色绚烂。In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.

羊驼拉玛的假期。叮当音乐。灯火辉煌。Llama Llama holidays. Jingle music. Light ablaze.

在他们身后,凉亭已经闪起了火光。Behind them the summerhouse and gazebo were already ablaze.

灯火辉煌的盘江路上,商铺林立,十分热闹。Panjiang Road, wide ablaze with lights, was full of people.

遍布宇宙各处的星系都闪耀着恒星诞生的光芒。Galaxies throughout the universe are ablaze with star birth.

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该座神庙在建造好以后几个世纪,由人为了谋求名声而把它放火烧毁。It was set ablaze a few centuries later by a man seeking fame.

很多商店被洗劫,一些店铺被放火焚烧。Many stores have been ransacked and some have been set ablaze.

天的国家罢工轮带是固定的著火在抗议中。The day of the national strike tyres were set ablaze in protest.

时当春季,怒放的扁桃花使那片山坡鲜红似火。It was springtime and the slopes were ablaze with almond blossoms.

星星是台上的主角,天空中星光灿烂,一颗颗星星像点缀在一根璀璨的项链上。The sky was ablaze with stars as if each one were on a pull chain.

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这种战机价值数亿美元,至少两架被放火焚烧。At least two of these multi-million-dollar aircraft were set ablaze.

市内灯火辉煌,听不到一声空袭警报。The city was ablaze with light, and not a single air-raid alarm sounded.

我觉得最理想的头发应该像丝绸一样的柔顺闪亮。I feel optimal hair should resemble silk cloth same complaisant and ablaze.