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那云只是道涟漪。And the clouds just a ripple?

所有我们所做的都会产生连锁反应。All these things have ripple effects.

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他呆板的脸上露出了一丝笑影。His wooden face showed a ripple of smile.

使用波纹发热体,功率强劲。Ripple heater is fixed . power is strong.

而良好的感觉产生了链锁反应。And that good feeling has a ripple effect.

呼兰河白浪涟涟。The white waves ripple in the Hulan River.

她看着她小腿肚子上肌肉的细纹。She looked at the ripple of the muscles in her calf.

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每网射出去都会在水面起波纹!Each shot to the net effect will ripple in the water!

坠花湮,湮没一朝风涟。Fall flowers submerged, buried once they wind ripple.

上述0.1V的输入纹波电压不推荐。Input ripple voltages above 0.1V are not recommended.

彼得,我们都不清楚你说的涟韵公主啊!Peter, we did not know you said ripple rhyme princess!

高能效,小尺寸输出滤波器,低输出纹波。High efficiency, small output filter, low output ripple.

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水波纹点击效果详细使用与适配。Click the water ripple effect use and adaptation in detail.

她躺在河岸上,听着小河的潺潺流水声。She lay on the bank, listening to the ripple of the stream.

波及效应是投入产出分析的核心问题。The core concern of input-output analysis is ripple effect.

具耐高频率及高纹波电流之特性。Have high frequency and high ripple current characteristics.

他的声音是时态,一阵流动过它的情绪涟波。His voice was tense, a ripple of emotion flowing through it.

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在峰值检测模式中﹐其他纹波成份会被掩盖。In peak-detect mode, it will mask all other ripple component.

要知道如果你让一个人出丑了,将会产生涟漪效应。Note that if you humiliate one person it has a ripple effect.

在星点测试之下主镜没有可办别的表面起皱。Primary surface ripple below discernable amount in star test.