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他必须砍除报告的全部页数。He had to lop off whole pages of the report.

我说,‘也许你可以干脆把第二层楼都去掉。’I say, ‘Maybe you could lop off the second floor entirely.’

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阿其克谷地是罗布泊洼地的东延部分。Aqike valley is the east extended area of Lop Nur, Xinjiang.

罗布泊地区是世界上最干旱的地区之一。The Lop Nor region is one of the driest regions in the world.

碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。Jasper makeup into a tree height, million lop green silk taeniasis.

穿越罗布泊首先考虑的是风险。The first thing to consider in going across Lop Nor is taking risks.

晚更新世以来湖泊沈积环境波动变化加快。The environment of the Lop Nur Lake was fluctuant since Late Pleistocene.

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这一遭,他想,是上帝促狭的提醒,自天国垂下一根橄榄枝。For this, he thought, is the god of heaven, the mischievous lop a olive branches.

反攻大陆的窗口在1964年的罗布泊核试验后就关闭了。The window to retake the Mainland of China closed in 1964 with the nuclear test of Lop Nor.

罗布泊钾盐矿区地处气候极端干旱的塔里木盆地东部,区域范围内水资源极为贫乏。Lop Nur sylvite area lies in the east of Talim Basin that is very dry and poor in water resource.

此后,罗北凹地主要受南部大湖区湖水的周期性上升补给。Afterwards, Luobei depression were mainly supplied by the large lake area in the south of Lop lake.

有可能是LOP的应用加速了它的发展,但是——无论如何这与工具也不相干,这是方法论的问题。It is possible that with LOP it evolves faster, but again – it’s not a matter of tools, but methodologies.

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未来的艾比湖可能完全干涸,成为第二个艾丁湖和罗布泊。It is predicatable that the lake will dry up completely in short period of time and become another Lop Nur.

国家新语文课程标准提出“逐步培养学生探究性阅读的能力”。The national Chinese course-standard sets as"to de ve lop the students' ability of inquiry reading practice".

鲜切花剪枝都在水下进行,避免产生气泡,阻止鲜花吸水。The bright lop that cut a flower undertakes in underwater, avoid to generate bubble, prevent a flower bibulous.

而性别和角膜切削厚度是术后眼压和手术前后眼压差的共同影响因素。Gender and ablation depth were the common predictors of lop difference before and after LASIK, and IOP after LASIK.

根须沿木身垂下至地,得土气滋直盛壮,久则过其所寄,或遂包裹之。Along the wooden body roots lop to the ground, AIDS, long straight rustic pomp is its by us, or of suichuan package.

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托提和田中的罗布泊计划,可以由分析其他集体辐射中毒来填补许多的空白。Tohti and Tanaka's Lop Nur project could fill in many gaps left open by analyses of other mass radiation poisonings.

针对现场的需要,设计制备了一种以改性MC尼龙为原材料的护顶铰接顶梁。In view of the worksite demand, a noosing cross beam for the lop protection was designed with MC nylon as raw material.

1980年,著名的华裔科学家彭佳木在第四次远征罗布泊时失踪。In 1980, Peng Jiamu, a noted Chinese scientist, went missing on his fourth expedition to the Lop Nur and was never found.