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转储也是可选的柱塞阀。Also optional Plunger Dump Valve.

铍铜压射冲头的使用寿命是球铁压射冲头的2。The life of the BeCu plunger is 2.

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活塞固定在十字头中。The plunger is clamped into the crosshead.

柱塞应从套筒里抽出来。The plunger should be withdrawn from sleeve.

柱塞泵为高压力的利用。For higher pressures, plunger pumps are used.

推手柄,释出药物。Release the medicine by pushing on the plunger.

先将法压壶上方压盖取出,将咖啡粉装入壶中。Remove the cover and plunger of the French press.

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研究了环状活塞声源辐射声场的特性。The radiated sound field of ring plunger is analyzed.

一个带有导套的柱塞和60只橡皮圈。A plunger with guide bush and sixty pcs of rubber rings.

柱塞泵是单作用,通常是机动车辆。Plunger pumps are single-acting and usually are motor-driven.

柱塞释放污物,也封住污水管。The plunger released the waste and also sealed the soil pipe.

该装置包括尺寸设计成伸入管状构件的柱塞。The device includes a plunger sized to extend into the barrel member.

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关闭件是柱塞或球,围绕本身的中心线旋转。Turn off the prop is a plunger or a ball , rotating around its own axis.

当关井时,柱塞沿生产管柱向下降落。When the well is shut-in, a plunger is dropped down the production string.

回路中的平衡阀是为支撑压板及柱塞的重量而设计的。The balance valve circuit is to support the weight of platen and plunger design.

在轻轻回抽注射器的同时缓慢进针。G. Slowly advance the needle while gently withdrawing the plunger of the syringe.

抽油泵的泵隙是抽油泵的一个重要技术参数。The clearance between plunger and barrel of a pump is a key parameter for the pump.

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应及时更换已磨损的柱塞及出油阀偶件。Should be the timely replacement of worn and out of the plunger valve coupled parts.

柱塞头部斜槽的位置不同,改变供油量的方法也不同。Plunger head chute different location, change the amount of oil in a different manner.

这样弹簧就可被释放并向上弹出一个活塞以宣告鸟类已经烤熟。This would free the spring, and up would pop a plunger to announce the bird was ready.