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什么是语言类型学?What is linguistic typology?

名词的非范畴化还有类型学上的意义。The noun decategorization has the typology significance.

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迪伦住宅选取了四合院的布局。The Dillon Residence takes the form of a courtyard house typology.

语言类型学是当代语言学的显学。Linguistic typology is a distinguished school in contemporary linguistics.

第三部分,运用类型学方法对岭南地区出土陶屋进行分型分式。Part 3, Classifying the pottery house unearthed at Lingnan with typology method.

该类型学的复杂性同时也反映出韩国贵族式的生活方式。Thecomplexity in typology is also a reflection of noble ways of living in South Korea.

简单的类型学创建,添加了错层式布局,创造了令人惊讶的生活条件。The simple typology creates, with its split-level layout, surprising living conditions.

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受到传统谷仓坡屋顶象征性的启发,项目中运用更加现代的设计语言进行设计。Inspired by the typology of the traditional pitched-roof barn, its language is more modernist.

在达尔文之前,自然哲学家支持一种观点称为类型学,或本质论。Bef ore Darwin, natural philosophers held to a point of view called typology , or essentialism.

本文根据以往的材料总结了嫩江流域汉代以前各时段石制品的特点。This article studies the stone artifacts in Nenjiang basin before Han dynasty in terms of typology.

论文第二章着重对“宅门戏”的文本进行考察,从类型学和叙事学这两大脉络进行分析。In the second section, the texts of "Zhaimen Drama" are investigated in terms of Typology and Narratology.

建筑有一部分是阶梯式的,以此来创造明亮的环境氛围,丰富住房类型。In section the building is terraced in order to create light atmosphere and to enrich the housing typology.

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费孝通教授的小城镇研究方法,主要是实地考察与类型比较法。Fei Xiaotong's small-town research methodology and theories are basically field investigations and typology.

第二部分主要从现代知识类型学的角度来评述柏格森的美学思想。The second part mainly discusses the esthetics thoughts of Bergson in the view of modern knowledge typology.

犯罪分层标准可分为形式标准和实体标准两类。The standards of criminal typology can be subcategorized into the formal standard and the entitative standard.

标准化基本形式的选择能促进电子政务标准化工作的开展以及效率的提高。The standards of criminal typology can be subcategorized into the formal standard and the entitative standard.

DFR委任哥本哈根的BIG设计事务所于2010年春季在曼哈顿内引入新的建筑类型。DFR commissioned Copenhagen based BIG in the spring of 2010 to introduce a new residential typology to Manhattan.

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出现这种情况旳缘故是当迈尔斯在设计MBTI时,她将荣格旳心理类型学作为其项目旳基础。The reason for this is that when Myers was designing MBTI, she took Jungian typology as the basis for her project.

2010年的极小主义风格的网站设计还会留出很多空白,但是却变成了粗大的字体和惊艳的色彩搭配。Websites of 2010 will continue to feature lots of white space but with bold typology and surprising color schemes.

该网页将有一个画廊,人们可以查看项目,这些分组的类型和每个类型是一个标签。The page will have a gallery where one can view projects, these are grouped by typology and each typology is a tab.