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电话薄?A phone book?

通过电话的?On the phone?

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抹干您的手机。Dry your phone.

这时我的电话响了。My phone rings.

电视电话?。VP? Video Phone?

电话占线了。The phone is busy.

Hale转而将枪口对着Lisa,“把电话筒扔了,女士。Drop the phone lady.

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他的电话被窃听了。His phone was bugged.

只在M55手机上试过。Only tried M55 phone.

我刚接了个电话。I just answer a phone.

我转接电话。I re-route phone call.

电话的蜂鸣器响了。The phone buzzer rang.

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这是磁卡电话吗?Is it an IC card phone?

是我们的手机号。It is our mobile phone.

这样我就挂了电话。So I hung up the phone.

你有什么手机呢?What phone do you have?

你看了一眼你的手机。You look at your phone.

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手机又响了。Your phone dings again.

你有没有手机?Do you have a cel phone?

手机喇叭网。Net cell phone speakers.