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如果没有损坏,则轻轻地关闭阀瓣。If not damaged gently close the clapper.

对口快板儿是快板的一种形式,由两个人共同表演。Clapper talk between two people is one type of clapper talk.

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首先,站在“拍手者”的立场来说明一下“拍手”。First of all, stand " clapper " position to illustrate the "clap. "

没有,我只是遇到一点障碍而已你应该听过掌声控制灯吧?No, I just hit a few roadblocks. You might have heard of The Clapper ?

打击物,如钟内的铃锤或枪中的点火栓。One that strikes, as the clapper in a bell or the firing pin in a gun.

在宵禁的钟声响起前几个小时,她就将自己捆在了大钟巨大的钟锤上。Several hours before curfew time, she tied herself to bell's huge clapper.

Clapper置法律于不顾,以安全的名义在国会上撒谎。Mr Clapper lied in Congress in defiance of the law in the name of security.

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豫剧唱腔音乐属板腔体梆子腔系统。Henan Opera aria music belongs to the system of Banqiang-style clapper melody.

克拉珀表示,没有证据表明俄罗斯改变了投票统计。Clapper said there is no evidence that Russia actually changed any vote counts.

国家情报局局长詹姆斯·克拉珀称此次揭露是轻率的行为。The director of national intelligence James Clapper has called the exposures reckless.

本论文提出一个“可调整摆锤”之倒单摆追踪系统的研究。This research proposed a tracing controller system for an inverted pendulum with an adjustable clapper.

罗金宝和快板来化妆后来到平原县城侦察情况,巡逻的队伍都换成伪军。Luo Jinbao and clapper talk to make later to plain county reconnaissance, patrol team are replaced by ana.

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唱词多为七字,传统伴奏乐器为四股弦琴胡,其它文武场乐器与河北梆子乐器相同。Other instruments used in the civil and military division are the same as those used in Hebei Clapper Opera.

快板刘带人要返回接应罗金宝时看到他跑过来,日军在后面紧追不舍。Clapper talk liu take someone to return to meet Luo Jinbao see he came running, the Japanese army in hot pursuit.

彻底清洗阀座面和阀瓣密封面,止回阀臂和O形环,检查是否有损坏、刻痕和碎片。Thoroughly clean the seat area and clapper sealing surfaces, check arms, and O-rings for damage, nicks, and debris.

曲艺是一种民间有声艺术形式,比如民谣,说故事,喜剧对话,快板儿和相声。Quyi refers to folk vocal art forms such as ballad singing, story-telling, comic dialogue, clapper talk and crosstalk.

奥巴马说,克拉珀将军是美国最有经验,最受尊敬的情报专业人士。President Obama says General Clapper is one of the nation's most experienced and most respected intelligence professionals.

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克拉伯是一名有着47年情报机构经验的退役美国空军中将。James Clapper is a retired Lieutenant General of the US Air Force who has 47 years ofexperience in the intelligence community.

乐曲的慢板部分,表现了农民豪爽乐观的性格和热烈奔放的感情。The slow clapper section in this piece expresses the exuberance and optimism of the farmers, and their warm and open character.

克拉珀和其他情报官员周四对参议院委员会表示,他们不信任阿桑格所言。Clapper and other intelligence officials told the Senate committee Thursday that they put no credibility into what Assange says.