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初次见面脸红的感觉消褪了么?Love’s first blush fading?

这些恶梦正在消退。Those nightmares are fading.

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这个习俗正在逐渐消失。This custom is slowly fading out.

理想中的黄金国正在重新蜕变成沙漠。El Dorado is fading back into desert.

光线导致退色或其他损害。Light causes fading and other damage.

水星在射手座,土星衰落。Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn fading.

军队的支持可能在衰退。Support by the military may be fading.

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他试着把蓝色逐渐调进粉红色。He tried fading the blue into the pink.

这种力量的源泉似乎在慢慢消失。That source of strength seems to be fading.

年轻的的专制主义者正在逐渐消亡。Slow Gradual Fading of the Young Absolutist.

云朵漂过月亮,渐渐将它隐没。Clouds spread across the moon, fading it out.

消退之前疹子可持续1-5天。The rash lasts one to five days before fading

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褪尽红尘万物,自混沌中走来。He walks from the chaos, the world fading away.

花已向晚,飘落了灿烂。The fading blooms, fall with once yellow bright.

历经70余载,福特水星汽车即将淡出市场。After more than 70 years, Mercury is fading away.

无力的风,歌声渐弱,落叶潇潇。Faint winds, and a song fading and leaves falling.

强烈的阳光会造成褪色或其他变化。Strong sunlight can cause fading or other changes.

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当工作退潮而去,他在酣甜中渐弱了他的呻吟。When job ebbs with his groans fading into slumber.

生疮的脚,失去了微笑,你能感觉到我吗?With itchy feet and fading smiles Can you feel me?

她们久久地向远方注视着,光线慢慢暗下来。The light is fading as they gaze into the distance.