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这就是变压器的工作原理。That is how a transformer works.

因为有一个变压器。There is a transformer in there.

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变压器保护系统。A system of transformer protection.

这就是变压器的工作原理。And that is how a transformer works.

我要买个二百伏特的变压器。I want to buy a 220 volt transformer.

本型电流互感器为开合式。The current transformer is open-close type.

变压器的尺寸令人印象深刻。The sizes of the transformer are impressive.

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这个装置被称为电流互感器。This device is called a current transformer.

仪器用比压,比流器“,”Potential, Current Transformer For Instruments.

免税店外看到非常巨大的变形金刚!An enormous transformer outside a duty-free shop!

一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。A linear differential transformer has three coils.

变压器采用纯瓷套管。The transformer shall employ pure porcelain bushing.

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VX机甲是非常轻装甲的变形体。The Chopper VX is a very lightly armored Transformer.

一种虚拟互感器校验仪的设计。Design of virtual calibrator for instrument transformer.

变压器有一个初级线圈和次级线圈。The transformer has a primary coil and a secondary coil.

如果变压器灯丝绕组有抽头,请不要使用它。If the filament transformer has a center tap, don't use it.

然而,尼娜已经偷偷溜到反恐组的配电房。Nina however has slipped out to the CTU’s transformer room.

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为了逃避死亡,他们实现了反熵的转化。To cheat death, they invented the anti-entropy transformer.

高压直流试验是换流变压器的例行试验之一。HVDC test is one of routine tests on the converter transformer.

一个变压器的故障就可能带来整个电网系统的崩溃。One malfunctioning transformer can bring down the whole system.