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可奈喜欢她的图腾吗?为什么?。Did Kenai like his totem?And why?

那不就是一种图腾崇拜啊?Isn't that a type of totem worship?

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龙是图腾文化的融合。Loong is the merger of totem culture.

位于加拿大亚伯达省杰士伯的图腾柱。Totem pole at Jasper, Alberta, Canada.

海南风情园的巨大图腾。The huge totem pole in the Hainan Garden.

貔“指以雪豹为图腾的氏族。"PI"indicates totem clan of snow leopard.

而二者的契合点在于虎图腾。And the same points consist in Tiger Totem.

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我从当地一个向导口里听到一个有关图腾的故事。I heard a totem story from a guide in Ducan.

龙,本是华夏族的图腾。The dragon is a totem of the Chinese nation.

类似于萨满放置图腾的效果。Similar to the shaman totem placement results.

休斯敦的图腾可能正是一个代表不协调的神灵。Houston’s totem could be the Imp of Incongruity.

北美印第安人过去常建造图腾柱。The North American Indians used to make totem poles.

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狼,特别是草原狼--被称为中国古代文明的图腾崇拜和自然进化的发动机。Wolf prairie God, the meaning of totem is a pattern!

里面有图腾柱、面具、镶缀珠、篮筐以及版画。It had totem poles, masks, beadwork, basket and prints.

他们可以使用该游戏图腾启动新的游戏。They can then use the game totem to initiate a new game.

凤鸟同龙一样,是中国古代民族的图腾。Phoenix, like dragon, is the totem of the Chinese people.

这其中也折射出原始图腾崇拜的影子。It also reflects the shadow of the original totem worship.

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有人推测这可能是半坡氏族崇奉的图腾。Some believed that fish was the totem of Banpo primitives.

而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。Panhu and Wang Yao is set totem worship and ancestor worship.

当地美洲人雕刻的这些图腾柱似乎要告诉人们某些故事。Native Americans carved totem poles like this to tell stories.