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帮帮你的老板。Assist your employer.

协助在MGH进行扫描。Assist with Scanning at MGH.

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本船能否提供协助?。Is own vessel able to assist?

产品与服务协助。Products and services assist.

几艘拖船协助引航?How many tugs assist pilotage?

这些药丸有助消化。These tablets assist digestion.

协助王书坚同志工作。Assist the work of Wang Shujian.

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协助做好备品的管理。Assist in spare parts management.

协助病人起坐。Assist client to sitting position.

感谢呯呯二人组的协助。Thanks to Crack Two for the assist.

有很多提供帮助的方法。There are plenty of ways to assist.

我来帮你拿这些包裹好吗?Can I assist you with these parcels?

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你愿嬑帮我写报吿吗?Would you assist me with the report?

协助促进节制。Assist in the promotion of continence.

你辅助他做修改校样的工作。You assist him in correting the proof.

绝对爱的淡紫音调,将帮助获得这个目标。Absolute love will assist in this goal.

这项任务由他辅助你去完成。He will assist you to complete the task.

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类型感知的Bean引用内容的支持Type-aware Bean Reference Content Assist

首先,帮助他评估他的生活。First, assist him in evaluating his life.

这些芝士有助于预防蛀牙。These ones assist in preventing cavities.