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她脖子上围着一条粉色长羽毛围巾。She wore a large pink boa around her neck.

这是一个独特的形态的博阿压缩。This is a distinct morph of boa constrictor.

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蟒蛇缠死它的猎物。A boa constrictor squeezes its victims to death.

在南美洲,活蟒蛇和蟒蛇。In South America, live anaconda and boa constrictor.

宝儿的多而烦杂是到现在截止我们最心爱的Morphs。The Motley Boa is by far one of our favorite Morphs.

看起来宝儿很可能会演出好莱坞电影!Looks like BoA might be getting cast in a Hollywood movie!

仍是一幅大象正在大蟒蛇肚子里消化的画。It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.

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不,不,不!我不想要一条肚子里有大象的大蟒蛇!No, no, no! I do not want an elephant inside a boa constrictor.

她的白色围脖不小心掉在了地上,露出粘粘的乱发。Soon her boa is on the floor and her hair is mussed and sticky.

我相信利迪亚,米雪和宝宝的确让她付钱了。I do believe that Lydia, Michelle and Boa Boa made her pay money.

有美洲银行的担保,华尔街下一张大号多米诺骨牌暂时还不会倒下。BoA had guaranteed that Wall Street's next big domino would not fall.

那是一张关于大蟒蛇正在吞食另一个动物的图画。It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal.

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如今,24岁的宝儿在今年八月庆祝了她的出道10周年。Now 24-years-old, BoA celebrated the 10th anniversary of her debut this August.

但在与大蟒蛇搏斗中,兄弟七人个个丧生。But they all lost their lives during the struggle against the boa unfortunately.

就算是靠著微薄的收入,宝儿和她的两个哥哥依旧怀抱著梦想。Even with a modest income, BoA and her two older brothers kept their dream alive.

大蟒蛇很危险,大象又十分的笨重。A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.

然而,作者表示据目前所知,红尾蚺从不攻击人类。However, boa constrictors have never been known to attack humans, the authors said.

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用活的动物,例如小鸡或者兔子来喂养蟒蛇的人应该被谴责。Those people should accuse of using living animals like chickens or rabbits fledge boa.

有一次,我画了幅漫画,一条标着‘资本’的大蟒蛇正在吞下一只标着‘劳工’的兔子。Once I did a cartoon of a boa constrictor marked Capital swallowing a rabbit marked Labour.

佛罗里达州有在高尔夫球场的鳄鱼和市郊的蟒蛇。While in Florida, there are alligators on the fairways and boa constrictors in the suburbs.