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可以试一起泡沫的葡萄鸡尾酒,如加了无核小葡萄干调味的白酒或是贝利尼。Try a sparkling wine cocktail, such as a Kir Royale or Bellini.

今年,我们在芙蓉RoyaleBintang酒店举办圣诞庆典是有充足的理由的…We are holding our celebration in Royale Bintang Hotel this year for several reasons.

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在下来的时间里,对云顶雅苑来言,有几个重要时间。In the down time, the right to Genting Royale words, there are several important time.

这是玛德琳教堂,它现在还在那儿,这是皇家大道This is the Church of the Madeleine, which is still there, and this is the Rue Royale.

在珊瑚群包围的斐济,过度捕捞已经激起了海藻-珊瑚大战。Along the reefs dotting Fiji, overfishing has pitted corals against algae in a battle royale.

正如任何皇家豪华性能还有很长的,有些会说抽出回的故事。As with any Royale de Luxe performance there is a long and some would said drawn out back story.

有报道说武装人员突然闯入,用易燃液体洒满了整个皇家赌场。Some reports said that armed men had burst in and doused the Casino Royale with flammable liquid.

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如果大家能做到这些,我确信,你们将会为自己是芙蓉国豪廷这个优秀团队的一员,而感到无比自豪!I am sure by doing that, you feel be proud of yourself of being a part of Plaza Royale Furongguo winning team.

聚龙花园业委会决定,由业委会重新选择小区的物业管理公司。Royale Garden Industry Authority decided that the industry was re-select areas of property management companies.

皇家岛被苏必利尔湖的深蓝色湖水所包围,该湖是世界上面积最大的淡水湖。Isle Royale is surrounded by the deep blue waters of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake on Earth by area.

但是对于一年中的其它月份,皇家岛提供了清爽的湖面风,绿色的森林以及清澈湛蓝的湖水。But for the other months of the year, Isle Royale offers refreshing lake breezes, green forests, and clear blue waters.

那个阶段的代表项目是聚龙花园、春风名巷、中成大厦等,都实现了非常好销售业绩。That phase of the project is Royale Gardens, spring-lane, China into building, have achieved very good sales performance.

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倒入波士黑醋栗利口,注入适量干白葡萄酒并搅合,可用香槟替代白葡萄酒作为皇家干白葡萄酒。Pour in the creme de cassis, top with chilled, dry white wine and stir. Use champagne instead of white wine for a Kir Royale.

松露巧克力,焦糖巧克力酥,刚好是帕特立克最喜欢的,使用哈维鲜乳脂、西南部生产的奶油和澳大利亚糖制造。The truffles, Caramel Royale , happen to be Patrick's favourites, made from Harvey Fresh cream, South West butter and Australian sugar.

皇家岛于1940年成为一处国家公园。1980年官员们因为该公园独特的生态系统认定它为国际生物圈保护区。Isle Royale became a national park in 1940. In 1980, officials named it an International Biosphere Reserve because of its unique ecosystem.

我很了解贝伦,她绝对会展开一场大乱斗,告知最后的赢家能得到20吨的黄金,当然最后站着的只有绘羽。Knowing Bern, she'll start a Battle Royale with the prize to the last person standing being the 20 tons of gold. The winner of course will be Eva.

厨师Crolla为了向刚在英国发行的新占士邦电影表示敬意,给他的创作品取了个名字,叫007皇家赌场比萨饼。Chef Crolla has dubbed his creation \\\\\\\'The Pizza Royale 007\\\\\\\' in honour of the new James Bond film which has just been released in Britain.

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这款手游戏是模拟经营类的和海商王比较相像,不过这款手游的地图比较大,需要自己寻找港口!This is a simulation game in hand business class and Port Royale relatively similar, but this hand-tour map of the greater need to find their own port!

暴发户最爱喝的饮品,用于商业和高档婚礼招待会,皇家干白葡萄酒在寒冷及干燥的时候,实际上是一个相当不错的香槟酒。The favorite drink of the nouveau-riche and upmarket wedding receptions, the kir royale is actually a pretty nice drink if the champagne is cold and dry enough.

巴黎大区,在历史上从1900开始,是以西岱岛为中心的巴黎老城沿着中世纪以来的皇家狩猎场的道路向外发展的。The Grand Paris, with its origin dating back in 1900, has been expanding from the old city of Paris along the road of what has been La Chasse Royale since medieval.