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这就是启示书的体裁。That's the genre of an apocalypse.

云中封神路,紫微降天启。By watching stars, Apocalypse he can divine.

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汤池小镇能成为天下人的样板吗?Would Tang chi be the Apocalypse of the world?

天启意思是打开,启示录。And apocalypse just means opening up,revelation.

你已经开始为僵尸来袭做准备了吗?Have you begun preparing for a zombie apocalypse?

现在,抗生素后启示,已经可以看见了。Now, the post-antibiotic apocalypse is within sight.

即便当我还是个孩子的时候,我会做核灾变的噩梦。Even as a kid, I had nightmares of nuclear apocalypse.

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最后是启示录,天启。Then finally you get to the Revelation of John,The Apocalypse.

你说你在我的文章里发现一种对大灾难的渴望。You say that you detect in my writing a yearning for apocalypse.

阿库拉潜艇和天启坦克现在可以双管齐下。Akula Subs and Apocalypse Tanks fire their load at the same time.

这些人让我们觉得丧尸危机随时可能在我们身边爆发。They make us feel like a zombie apocalypse could hit us any moment.

依照埃及人记载,克弗悌乌在一次天启中被海洋毁灭。By Egyptian record, Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse.

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他不说圣经末世的启示已经到来,他只说启示将要降临。He doesn't insist that the Apocalypse is at hand, only that some revelation is.

第四章阐述了专利池所带来的启示的反思。The fourth chapter focuses on the apocalypse and a second think of patent pools.

有很大的启示,以前我是一个天天来完的学生。There is very big apocalypse , I was 1 to come to over student every day before.

启示这个词,首先指的是一种文学体裁。When we talk about apocalypse we're talking about first that genre of literature.

电影、小说中传统的僵尸故事,短时间内即可获得警世的效果。Traditional zombie narratives in film and fiction are quick to get to the apocalypse.

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陆政海,中国人,建了“诺亚方舟”为应对2012年玛雅天启而作准备。Lu Zhenghai, Chinese Man, Builds 'Noah's Ark' In Preparation For 2012 Mayan Apocalypse.

而我们的影片则是后末世时代的有趣时光。And ours is fun times in the post apocalypse. Let's look for Twinkies and shoot zombies!'

启示录“一词源自拉丁语,希腊语“天启“的英文翻译。The word "revelation" is just the Latinized, English version of the Greek word apocalypse.