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对“各种形式的放纵这种恶习”发表谴责。Denunciation of the "manifold abuses of this vile custome".

他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.

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听了证人对被告的指责,我们大为惊异。We were amazed to hear the witness's denunciation of the accused.

本·拉登从阿拉伯的牢房里向美国发表了一篇强烈的谴责声明。Osama bin Laden issues a fierce denunciation of the U.S. from his Saudi prison cell.

他指斥那些亏欠上帝荣耀的罪,指斥那些诋毁上帝真道的人,他所行的坦然无惧!He was fearless in his denunciation of sin and of those who denied the truth of God's Word.

这时,所有拒绝为蒋介石撑腰的人都受到诋毁,非难之声一浪高过一浪,汇成了喧嚣一时的大合唱。The denunciation of all those who had refused to play Chiang's game swelled to a mighty chorus.

此项退约应于退约书送交登记之日起一年后才生效。Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered.

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1992年,当时的教皇保罗二世称,教会对伽利略学说的批判是“悲剧性的错误”。In 1992, Pope John Paul said the church's denunciation of Galileo's work had been a tragic error.

吵闹间,秀玉发现的士司机竟然是大龙,更痛斥他欠她债务未清。Noisy, piu jade found that taxi drivers is dragon, more denunciation outstanding debt he owed her.

两位领导人也对津巴布韦政府做出了联合谴责。There was also a joint annunciation denunciation from the two leaders of the government of Zimbabwe.

我认为你谴责我的计划证明了你对问题的无知。“I think your denunciation of my plan demonstrates your ignorance of the problem,” said the church bishop.

退约应于秘书长收到通知之日1年后发生效力。Denunciation shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General.

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这可以解释为文斯起初公然抨击卡梅伦煽动极端主义,之后又改变论调。That may explain his initial denunciation of Mr Cameron for inflaming extremism, and his subsequent recantation.

对一件罪行的有效地指控告发,带有唤起执法响应的目的,必须正式通报给警察局。Effective denunciation of a crime, with the aim of evoking a law enforcement response, must be made formally to the police.

此后,对于任何会员国,本公约将自其批准书经国际劳工局登记之日起生效。Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.

行政问责作为一项“新制”已经在我国出现,但远未形成系统的制度化支撑体系。As a sort of "new system", the administrative denunciation has appeared in China, but it has not formed the institutional supporting system yet.

由于时代环境的影响,北朝许多文人都擅长檄文的写作。Influenced by the time and environment at those times, many literati were good at writing the official denunciation of the enemy in North Dynasty.

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周五的布道引用了“朝鲜和穆罕默德言行录”的话,强烈谴责这座巨大雕像的偶像崇拜主义本质,伊斯兰领袖们表示赞同。Imams agreed a text for Friday sermons quoting "the Koran and the Hadith" which forms a denunciation of the idolatrous nature of the giant structure.

悲剧仍在发生,公众借谴责和声讨来表达愤怒,但对造假者的肆无忌惮则束手无策。So the tragedy continues to unfold. The public is so angry with denunciation and condemnation but can do little to stop the recklessness of the fraudsters.

在宗教狂热者看来,这样的谴责如同是号召人们行动起来,杀死罪人以执行天谴。To the ears of a zealot, such a denunciation sounds like an Atlantica online gold invitation to go out and claim a heavenly reward by slaying the offender.