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我们说这是一个历险故事。Now we've said that it's picaresque.

犯罪题材的影片往往感觉要比实际上来的冗长。Picaresque movies often feel longer than they are.

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它具有冒险小说的特质。It certainly has the qualities of a picaresque fiction.

追溯古老的传奇故事演化到小说的论文。A paper tracing the descent of the novel from old picaresque tales.

这部小说以歹徒为题材,利用讽刺手法揭露了挪威社会上的偏见和缺乏安全感。By turns picaresque and ironic, it's a revealing portrait of Norwegian preoccupations and insecurities.

阿流浪汉小说是一个工作的细节小说,它讲述的是一个冒险的或捣乱的主角。A picaresque novel is a work of fiction that details the exploits of an adventurous or troublemaking protagonist.

这些鲜明的艺术共性,是我们区分流浪汉小说与其它小说体式的重要标尺。These vivid common characteristics are the important symbols to distinguish picaresque novel from novels of other types.

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虽然她的工作是纪实,并具有女性主角,但仍然坚定地种植传统的流浪汉。Although her work is nonfiction and features a female protagonist, it is still firmly planted in the picaresque tradition.

小说的情节类似于流浪小说或者是教育小说,因为书中充满了大量历险和浪漫的桥段。The plot is a similar to that of a picaresque novel or a bildungsroman, for it parodies many adventure and romance cliches.

十八世纪末期和十九世纪初叶,曾经备受青睐的流浪汉小说沉寂了将近三十年。In last phase of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century, the popular picaresque novels were dead silent nearly 30 years.

希望能够通过本文的研究,可以为更多的爱好者开启兴趣之门,并将流浪汉小说及其理论研究继续发扬广大。Hope that through this study, for more fans to open the door to interest, and the picaresque novel and the theory continue to promote the general.

因此本论文认为,流浪汉小说的确有着巨大的艺术生命力和艺术影响力,值得我们深入研究。Based on this, this paper assumes that the picaresque novel has its alive artistic vitality and great artistic influence. And it worths further research.

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上世纪末时这处物业经过了继承权的争斗,上演了谋杀和牢狱之灾的活剧,几乎濒临拆除的边缘。It went to the brink of demolition late last century after a picaresque episode involving a disputed succession, a murdered heiress and a now-jailed Niçois ex-lawyer.

同时,小说还运用了其他一些叙事技巧如意识流、时间蒙太奇及开放式结局,使得这部小说更具深度和洞察力。Thirdly, Bellow also used other narrative techniques like stream-of-consciousness, time montage and open-ending to make it a fabulous and thought-provoking picaresque novel.

小说以英雄神话为写作框架,对亨利·菲尔丁的流浪汉小说和传统史诗的固有模式进行故意模仿。In the fourth chapter of my thesis, elaboration is on the parody of traditional literary forms including Henry Fielding's picaresque novels, traditional epic and the hero myth.

达奇自告奋勇开车送女朋友的儿子从佐治亚的寄宿学校回到芝加哥的家里过感恩节,丝毫没料到会变成一出流浪汉冒险记。Volunteering to drive his girl friend's son home for Thanksgiving to Chicago from his boarding school in Georgia, little does Dutch expect the picaresque adventures in store for him.

随后回顾了国内外学术界的流浪汉小说研究现状,指出了基本的流浪汉小说研究范畴与研究目标。Finally it reviews the present research situation of picaresque novel in domestic and foreign academic circles, and points out the basic research category and research aim of picaresque novel.

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远不同于普通的流浪汉,Saleem发现他能和其他每个与他在同一时刻出生的人分享特殊的能力,他开始把自己当成印度的化身,这个国家民族的化身。Far from a picaresque Everyman, Saleem discovers he shares special powers with every other person born in the same hour and comes to see himself as the incarnation of India, an avatar of the nation.

这些艺术特色吸引了各国历代学者和作家的追捧,并创作出了一个庞大的流浪汉小说家族,促使着这种文体不断向前发展。The artistic characteristics of the countries to attract scholars and writers sought after ages, and create a large family of the picaresque novel, to promote the continuous development of this style.