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其依据是析出的创作。Its basis is the emanation of the creation.

人们认为梅里雪山代表佛智散发的光辉。Kawa Karpo is believed to represent the mind emanation of Buddha.

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我们没有充足的准备好运用强烈的放射。We are not prepared enough to handle the intensity of that emanation.

第一部分研究了泄漏发射源的时域辐射机理。Firstly time-domain radiation mechanism of emanation sources is studied.

往往重视信息的接收,忽视信息的发出。Often takes the information the receive, neglects the information emanation.

哈奴曼众所周知是伐由的儿子,风神或风神的化身。Hanuman is more well-known as the son of Vayu, the deva of wind or his emanation.

人最渺小的原创火花也比最优秀的拾人牙慧要强。The least of man's original emanation is better than the best of borrowed thought.

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射气闪烁法是测氧的主要方法。The emanation scintillation method to determine the radon content is the principal way.

一旦你让自己处于欢乐中,保持欢乐是很容易的,因为你的欢乐力场会吸引更多的欢乐。Once you get yourself in Joy it is easy to maintain it , because your emanation of Joy attracts more Joy.

介绍了覆土密度对降低氡析出率影响的试验研究结果。The research results of the effect of covered soil density on reducing radon emanation rate are introduced.

如果你身上没有爱和快乐的散发,没有对万物的临在和敞开,你就没有开悟。If there isn't an emanation of love and joy, complete presence and openness toward all beings, then it is not enlightenment.

多杰雄登的追随者认为他是一种释放他们的精神指南,谁是忠实的追随者宗喀巴。Followers of Dorje Shugden think of him as an emanation of their Spiritual Guide, who is a faithful follower of Je Tsongkhapa.

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本文研究的重点主要是放在对机要数据设备产生的泄漏发射进行检测与窃取方面。This research report mainly focuses on the detection and eavesdropping of the compromising emanation from the confidential devices.

西方大国在军用电子设备上关注泄漏发射问题已有半个多世纪的历史。The western countries have paid close attention to compromising emanation of military electronic devices for more than half century.

她的身子不但是她精神的外衣,而且是她精神的光彩,是她神圣的精华的纯净温婉的结晶。Her body was more than the garb of her spirit. It was an emanation of her spirit, a pure and gracious crystallization of her divine essence.

热烈拥抱、疯狂接吻,相思的泪氤湿那曾走过的沟沟坎坎,还有那朝朝暮暮的企盼。A warm hug, kiss crazy, Acacia's tears wet magic emanation that had traveled Gougou Kankam, there are whole days spent in looking forward it.

由生命创造,处于一定情况下,作用于一定事物,它只是生命的一种释放或一个方面,怎么能包括生命?Created by life, in definite circumstances, to act on definite things, how can it embrace life, of which it is merely an emanation or aspect?

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灼烧法是一种有效降低氡射气析出率的方法,可作为对氡射气及放射性子体的防护手段加以利用。Heating can reduce the emanation coefficient of Rn effectively, which can be used as a new measure to defend against radon and radon daughters.

唐寅画睡着的王,梦着仙人腾云飘向空中,借以点出花园名字的涵义。Tang Yin creatively captured the meaning of the garden's name by portraying Wang asleep with the dreamy emanation of an immortal floating in the sky.

实验结果表明,上述地质材料的氡射气析出率随灼烧温度升高而减小。The results show after heating, the emanation coefficient of Rn in above materials decreases gradually according to the heating temperature increasing.