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也许。芜拘芜束的笑,就是嚄最大的快了。Perhaps unrestrained Smiles is I big gest joy.

本人武功这辈子的错误,但我仍然爱你!I gest mistake in this life, but I still love you!

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朗先生,我建议你把订单削减一半以摆脱你的。Brown, I'd sug gest that you reduce your order by half.

这部新的悬念剧是这个季度十佳电视剧之一。This new mystery show is one of the ten gest of the season.

天热的时候,每天他都会放上几瓶冰镇矿泉水在门廊里,他说他的邮差很喜欢。He puts a few bottles out on his porch in ice every day when the weather gest hot.

我参加过的最好笑的婚礼是丽莎·米内利和大卫·杰斯特的婚礼。One of the funniest weddings I ever attended was that of Liza Minnelli to David Gest.

我没有武功但是我喜欢拥有它,因为它可以帮助许多人获得快乐。I don't have gest but I would like to have it because it would help make people happy.

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对我来说,那些认为是“习俗”中最大的抢劫是那些佛教形式的葬礼之类的东西。The big. gest rip-off for me as regards 'customs' is the buddhist style funeral related stuff.

最后,鹏虽废玉之武功,但已与青阴阳相隔。Finally, roc although abandon the gest of jade, but already with be apart of green yin and yang.

很多习武者精神贫乏与无知,不能不倚重与某种武功无限夸大的神奇为中介而弃而不舍。Many martial persons are poor at spirit and knowledge because they stress, exaggerate and depend on gest too much.

巴塞尔三资本要求可能会在下个月首尔举办的G20高峰会议上最终确定,这将带来最为重大的影响。gest impact will come from the Basel 3 capital requirements, which could be finalised at next month’s G20 summit in Seoul.

2001年在老友丽莎。明妮莉第四次婚礼上,杰克逊将新娘交给新郎大卫。吉斯特,而伊丽莎白·泰勒则是明妮莉的首席女傧相。The singer gave away pal Liza Minnelli at her fourth wedding in 2001 to David Gest. Liz Taylor was Minnelli's matron of honor.

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结论预防高血压,并对其生活行为方式加以干预,可降低脑卒中的发生率。Conclusion The result sug gest that controlling blood pressure and interfering the behavior ways would reduce the rate of stroke incidence.

当初师傅不将这传授给阿龙就是因为这项武功太过于霸道凶狠,他希望阿龙学会这武功继续报仇。At the outset the master does not impart this because, A Long is this gest too too overbearing and fierce, he hopes Along learns this gest to continue to revenge.

因而,人们在认识上出现了一些误区,认为国际收支顺差越大越好,外汇储备越多越好。But at the end of 90's, due to consequently favorable income in foreign trade, our country became the second big gest country for foreign exchange reserve in the world in 1998.

说到金庸武侠中谁武功最高,大众公认第一的是在少林寺低调扫地的无名无僧。Whose gest is highest in knight-errant of respecting gold commonplace, the masses is accepted first is to be in Shaolin Temple low-key those who sweep the floor is anonymous without the monk.