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初步论证了利用该摆动器产生高次谐波相干辐射的可能性。It is shown that a FEL operation is possible in this wiggler by using higher harmonics.

本文研究的自由电子激光器具有线性摆动器及轴向引导磁场。The free electron laser with a linearly polarized wiggler and axial guide field hag been studied.

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最后,本文给出了由这种新型小周期波荡器所构成的自由电子激光器的实验结果。Based on the simulation, a design of a free-electron laser with this novel small-period wiggler is given.

在分析了小周期摆动器研究现状的基础上,提出了电流摆动器。Based on the study of present situation of the small-period wiggler. a new current wig-gler is presented.

讨论了一种静电摇摆器中电子的自发辐射谱和高次谐波的增益,其形式与平面磁摇摆器中的类似。The spontaneous emission spectrum and higher harmonic gain of a relativistic electron in a novel electrostatic wiggler are discussed.

研制出新型小周期波荡器,报道三毫米波拉曼自由电子激光器实验。It is reported that a novel small-period wiggler was developed. The experiments of a Raman free electron laser at 3 mm wavelength are presented.

以椭圆波导、平板摇摆器为FEM放大器的模型,导出了自洽的注波互作用三维非线性方程组。A set of coupled nonlinear three-dimension differential equations for the FEM amplifier with elliptical wave-guide and planar wiggler is derived.

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我们用计算机计算了高能相对论电子通过我们设计的渐变振幅摆动器时的自发谱。Using a computer, the spontaneous spectra produced by relativistic electrons traveling through a tapered amplitude helical wiggler are calculated.

首先,在本论文中,提出了一种新型的小周期波荡器结构,并从理论和实验方面对这种小周期波荡器所构成的自由电子激光器进行了深入研究。In this paper, we have presented a novel small-period wiggler , simulated and done the overall experiments of the free-electron laser with the wiggler.

经过磁场和低温参数测量,性能指标完全达到设计要求。By magnetic field and the cryogenic system measurements, the performance and parameters of the Wiggler finally satisfied the requirements of our design.

在波荡器高阶磁场和自场同时作用情况下,分析电子横向运动,考察电子受横向约束的条件。The transverse motions of electron with both self-field and high-order wiggler field are analyzed, with an investigation on the confinement condition of electrons.

以圆柱开槽波导、螺旋摇摆器为模型,考虑了电子初始速度零散、引导磁场等效应对放大器饱和特性的影响,导出了自洽的注波互作用三维非线性方程组。FEM amplifier with a novel groove waveguide and helical wiggler is proposed and researched both in three dimensional nonlinear theory and numerical computation in this paper.

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计算了摆动器参数、电子束和激光场之间的能量转换效率、激光强度、电子的相空间分布和能谱。We have computed the wiggler parameters, efficiency of energy conversion between electron beam and laser field, laser intensity, phase-space distributions and energy spectrum of electrons.

应用理论公式对C型框架的变形位移量进行了验证,为永磁扭摆磁铁的结构设计和进一步改进提供了理论依据。The displacement of the C_shape frame is calculated by the theoretical formula to provide a theoretical basis for further structure design and improvement of the permanent magnetic wiggler.

本文计算了在平衡自场、线性摆动器场和轴向磁场作用下的电子轨道,并由此求得有线性摆动器的自由电子激光器的自发辐射和受激辐射。The orbits of an electron in self-fields, linear wiggler and axial fields are calculated. Then the spontaneous emission coefficient and the growth rate of the stimulated scattering are obtained.

本文采用行波磁场作为周期性磁场,通过讨论可以看出,当电子通过这种磁场时将产生自发辐射,说明该磁场能作为自由电子激光器的摆动器。It is shown that an electron passing through a walking wave magnetic field can also produce spontaneous radiation, so, the walking wave magnetic field can serve as a wiggler of free electron laser.

这种共振现象类似于自由电子雷射中的电子激化效应,以磁铁振荡器加速电子,使电子发出同步辐射。The resonance-based process is analogous to the electron-stimulation effect that occurs in free-electron lasers where a "wiggler" magnet accelerates electrons so that they emit synchrotron radiation.

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在小振幅条件下,给出了摆动器的工作方程,导出了束电子的运动轨迹和自发辐射谱分布。Under the condition of small amplitude, the operating equations of the wiggler are given, and then, the trajectories of the beam electrons and the angular spectrum of spontaneous emission are derived.