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是什么导致他们做出如此反常的决定?What is driving this weirdly disinhibited decision-making?

有时会作出一些不可思议的举动,经常捉弄彼方。She sometimes behaves weirdly and often makes fun of Kanata.

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搭档的声音,我能听不出来嘛?你这身打扮好奇怪呀。How can't I tell the voice of my co-host? You are dressed so weirdly.

维尔娜的面孔由于气愤迅速的扭曲了,她甚至无法流利的回答。Vierna's face screwed up weirdly and she stammered unsuccessfully at her first attempts at a reply.

货船终于于八月十六日停靠在佐世保港,港口异常沉静,很是古怪。When the freighter finally ported in Sasebo on the morning of August 16th, the port was weirdly silent.

不过有点奇怪的是,经常人们评论我的计划都会觉得我很疯狂。Weirdly though, one of the most frequent comments I received about my plans were about how crazy I was in going there.

这盏灯是用生物荧光细菌制作的,能照亮一间屋子,是精灵古怪微生物概念屋的组成部分。This lamp uses bioluminescent bacteria to light up a room, a component of the weirdly compelling Microbial Home concept.

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我独自一人,听不到任何呼喊,只有海浪的声音,雾气带来古怪的回响。I was alone. I could hear no calls or cries--only the sound of the waves, made weirdly hollow and reverberant by the fog.

维尔娜点点头,不一会儿古怪地笑起来,她珍珠般的牙齿与她美丽的如黑檀木的皮肤形成了引人注目的对比。Vierna nodded, grinning weirdly all the while, her pearly white teeth contrasting dramatically with her shining ebony skin.

这种讽刺风格成就了库宁汉的追求,和普勒斯的电影,将库宁汉的炫目作品和他古怪的苦行僧式生活连接起来。An irony shapes this pursuit, and Press' movie—one that's based in the gap between Cunningham's lush work and his weirdly ascetic life.

我们亲爱的老波尔像一颗陨星一样出现在那里,一块巨大的呆板的石头从太空中坠下,带着古怪莫名的笑脸。Dear old Polly is out there like a meteorite, a big lump of dead rock falling through space with a weirdly sourceless smile on its face.

桥的设计者是瓦伦西亚的建筑师圣迭戈卡拉特拉瓦,他曾经建造过表现派风格的大桥并且使用怪异的扭曲金属环结构为特征。The designer was Santiago Calatrava, the Valencian architect who has made expressionist bridges and weirdly torqued structures a trademark.

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失败的领导是原因之一,欧洲的银行官员,看起来像完全没意识到危机的严重性,竟然还保持着奇怪的满意。Poor leadership is part of the story. European banking officials, who completely missed the depth of the crisis, still seem weirdly complacent.

从挂坠盒的两扇小窗里,从那对眼睛里,冒出两个怪诞的肥皂泡似的东西,是哈利和赫敏的脑袋,离奇地变了形。Out of the locket's two windows, out of the eyes, there bloomed, like two grotesque bubbles, the heads of Harry and Hermione, weirdly distorted.

但是这样的景象却没有拥有18,997名球迷在球场四周为球员们在一场古怪而又娱乐性的防守战中冒汗的球队。But such perspective was not what it was about as 18,997 fans in the arena sweated with the players through a weirdly entertaining defensive battle.

用户把该网站视为神圣的空间,可以和朋友亲密交谈的地方,不会被乱七八糟广告打扰的地方。Users see the site as sanctified space, a place to engage in intimate conversations with friends—not to be laser-beamed by weirdly personal advertising.

这个不乏欢腾搞笑的劫机故事取自于阿根廷作家达米安·斯兹弗隆寓言文集的第一篇。A hijacking story with a weirdly effervescenttang, this is the first of six short fables in an omnibus comedy fromArgentinian writer-director Damián Szifron.

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此外,LFA与雷克萨斯旗下的其它车型不太搭调,因为雷克萨斯常常骄傲地宣传自己比其他豪车品牌拥有更多的混合动力车型。Besides, the LFA seems weirdly out of phase with the rest of Lexus's lineup, since Lexus prides itself on having more hybrids than any other luxury car brand.

有的演员出现的时候突然被发现有着痛苦的张大的嘴唇,古怪的皱起的眉毛,或者是异常的突出的额头,他们便很难让人平常对待。We all know of actors who suddenly appear with painfully enlarged lips, weirdly raised eyebrows, or stunned foreheads, and who become very difficult to take seriously.

在新的现场电视直播节目上,古怪伯爵声称自己刚刚将这个机器人的螺丝上齐。为什么狐狸侦探会怀疑古怪伯爵在摄影机前撒谎呢?On his new network reality television show, Count Weirdly claims he just finished screwing together this robot. Why does Slylock Fox suspect Weirdly is lying to the camera?