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页岩层在煤层下面。Shale underlies the coal.

我们可以从页岩中提取石油。We can extract oil from shale.

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振动筛是什么类型的?What type of the shale shaker?

而哪儿有油页岩,哪儿就可能有石油。And where there is shale there is likely to be oil.

李应方当时从树洞中挖出了一块60厘米长的页岩板。From a hole he unearthed a two-foot-long shale slab.

震动筛有很多返出的岩屑。There are so many return cuttings on the shale shaker.

夹在其中的页岩层通常是塑性变形。The shale beds in between generally deform plastically.

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这个地区的灰岩、砂岩和页岩都是很柔软的。The limestone, sandstone and shale of this area were soft.

声波测井用于区分泥岩和白云岩。The sonic log is used to differentiate shale from dolomite.

这一结论对油页岩的原位开发与利用具有重要参考价值。The result achieved is important to in-situ exploit oil shale.

我们必须找到从页岩中采油的经济方法。We must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale.

滑坡体为志留系高家边组页岩。The landslide occur in the Gao Jabian shale of Silurian Period.

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要数清震动筛的振荡数是不容易的。It's not easy to count the number of vibrations of shale shaker.

浊积岩沉积在正常的湖相暗色泥岩之中。Turbidites were deposited in the dark shale of normal lake facies.

要指出的是,这并非直接蕴藏在页岩中的原油。It is worth noting that this is not crude that is directly in shale.

贵州早寒武世早期普遍存在一套黑色页岩。There is a black shale which widespread at Early Cambrian in Guizhou.

该矿的产品为优质动力煤和油母页岩富矿。The mine produces classic power coal and rich ore of combustible shale.

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油页岩主要赋存于始新渐新统油柑窝组。The oil shale mainly occurs in the Eocene-Oligocene Youganwo Formation.

油母页岩原矿通过带式运输机送至四个量料斗。Raw oil shale is transported into four measuring bins by belt conveyers.

最后他们同意将在从岩石中提取天然气方面开展合作。Finally, the two agreed to co-operate on extracting natural gas from shale.