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脚气病是如何对待?How is beriberi treated?

我这个人有人气,还有脚气。My someone gas , Still there is the beriberi.

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不能吸收维生素B1就导致脚气病。Beriberi is caused by an inability to assimilate thiamine.

人们认为这种物质可以治疗一种叫做脚气病的失调病。This substance was believed to cure a disorder called beriberi.

用来洗脚,具有杀菌作用,能去除汗臭味,脚气。For washing, sterilization, can remove the smell of sweat, beriberi.

没有它我们会变得虚弱,不会生长,还可能会得脚气病。Without it, we would be weak and would not grow. We also might develop beriberi.

湿性脚气病病情较急,会有心力衰竭、循环不良及主要由此造成的水肿。Wet beriberi is more acute, with edema from cardiac failure and poor circulation.

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维他命可利于治疗一些疾病,如坏血病,眼痛,脚气病和软骨病等。Vitamins contribute in some way to such diseases as scurvy, sore eyes, beriberi and rickets.

在十九世纪末期,日本海军中的水兵就颇受脚气病的困扰。During the late 1800s the Japanese navy was having a problem with beriberi among its sailors.

患干性脚气病时长神经逐渐变性,同时伴有肌肉萎缩及反射消失。Dry beriberi involves gradual long-nerve degeneration, with muscle atrophy and loss of reflexes.

目的讨论CT在诊断婴幼儿脑型脚气病的表现,以提高诊断率。Objective To discuss CT findings of infantile beriberi so as to improve the diagnostic accuracy.

我患脚气病已有几年了,一到夏季需换上凉鞋才行。I suffer from beriberi to already had a few years, need to change sandal to just go to the summer.

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这又使得我们谈到芬克以及稻壳和脚气之间的关系。This brings us back to Polish scientist Casimir Funk and the link between rice hulls and beriberi.

当维生素B1缺乏引起心肌炎时,中医则名之曰“脚气冲心”。So TCM understands myocarditis due to deficiency of vitamin B1 as invasion of beriberi into the heart.

功效对皮肤过敏性脚气有独特功效,长期浸泡能增强免役力。EFFECT Skin allergies beriberi a unique efficacy and long-term immersion to enhance Immunizations force.

混合型脚气病既有多发性神经炎,又有心力衰竭和水肿。Mix model beriberi has the much neuritis that send a gender already, have heart failure and oedema again.

以大米为主食的人更有可能缺少维生素B1,因此更易患脚气病。People with rice grains as their main food are more likely to lack vitamine B1, hence easier to get beriberi.

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救援人员为矿工提供了用灭菌铜纤维制造的短袜,以防止感染脚气。Rescue workers for the miners provides sterilization copper fiber manufacturing socks, to prevent infection beriberi.

结论婴幼儿脑型脚气病CT表现具有一定的特征,结合临床资料能做出正确诊断。Conclusion Correct diagnosis of infantile beriberi can be made by characteristic CT findings combined with clinical data.

其对维护人体功能的稳定大有益处并积极预防了如脚气之类的疾病。This vitamin-B is very good for maintaining many functions in the body and also for protection against diseases like Beriberi.