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埃斯库罗斯第一次失败是在西元前468年。Aeschylus ' first known dramatic defeat came in 468 BCE.

是的,历史即是悲剧,正如埃斯库洛斯与索福克勒斯所认为的那样。Yes, history is tragic, as Aeschylus and Sophocles knew.

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我们难道不会和,Aeschylus,一起,随意脱口而出吗?Won't we say with Aeschylus ? whatever comes to our lips?

他输给了年轻的索福克勒斯,巧的是索福克勒斯的作品很大程度上收埃斯库罗斯的影响。He lost to the young Sophocles, whose work was heavily influenced by that of Aeschylus.

历史学家们算得可清楚了,埃斯库罗斯至少在他有生之年拿了十三项大奖。Historians know that Aeschylus won at least thirteen of these contests during his life.

虽然埃斯库罗斯写了将近90部剧作,残存下来的只有79部。Although Aeschylus wrote nearly ninety plays, records of only seventy-nine have survived.

古希腊戏剧家,他与索弗克斯和艾希鲁斯并称为最伟大的古典悲剧作家。Greek dramatist who ranks with Sophocles and Aeschylus as the greatest classical tragedians.

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埃斯库罗斯活着的那会儿,希腊人正忙着打仗,他本人就参加过两场重要的对抗波斯鬼子的战争。The Greek were at war during Aeschylus ' time, and he fought in at least two major battles against the Persians.

本刊在他自杀后一周后发表文章,称这悲剧等同于艾思奇利斯或者索福克勒斯的悲剧。This newspaper, writing a week after his suicide, described the tragedy as one worthy of Aeschylus or Sophocles.

他援引埃斯库罗斯的著名句子说,与我们所预想的不同,通过上帝令人敬畏的恩典,悲伤的痛苦会给人带来智慧。He quoted the great lines of Aeschylus about pain bringing wisdom, against our will, through the awful grace of God.

埃斯库罗斯在剧中使用的语言和韵律则是素体文,或者说成无韵抑扬格五步诗的前身。The language and meter used by Aeschylus in his plays was the forerunner of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter.

除了在希腊战争中百战百胜,埃斯库罗斯在雅典的剧场里也是风光无限。In addition to the victories Aeschylus won as part of the Greek army, he won numerous victories in the Athenian theaters.

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但是,这七部知名悲剧属于埃斯库罗斯所有剧作中流传最广,最具影响力的作品。Nonetheless, the seven known tragedies of Aeschylus are among the most widely-read and influential written works of all time.

欧里庇得斯是希腊著名的剧作家,他与埃斯库洛斯和索夫克洛斯并称为希腊三大悲剧作家。Euripides was a Greek playwright recognized, along with Aeschylus and Sophocles, as one of Athens's three great tragic dramatists.

与埃斯库罗斯和索福克勒斯相比,欧里庇得斯是个现实主义者,更加关注戏剧的矛盾冲突。He was more of realist than Aeschylus and Sophocles , concerned with conflicts. His characters are less heroic, more like ordinary people.

素体文在埃斯库罗斯死后近2100年的文艺复兴时期可是占主导地位的诗体和戏剧风格。Blank verse became the dominant poetic and dramatic style of the English literary renaissance, which occurred nearly 2, 100 years after Aeschylus.

众所周知,我们的埃斯库罗斯是第一个在戏剧中使用超过一个角色的大戏剧家,因此,他也就顺带发明了角色之间的对白。Aeschylus was the first known dramatist to use more than one character in his plays, and he therefore invented the concept of dialogue between characters.

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最好的例子就是埃斯库洛斯的教导我们,教训能使人从激情转而理想,更为确切地说,从苦痛的经验到经验的知识。In the best case, Aeschylus teaches, the lesson enables one to move from passion to reason, or, more precisely, from the experience of suffering to the knowledge of that experience.