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这浴缸是给哈巴狗的。The tub is for the pug.

帕格发现没有理由不去马上接替希克曼。Pug saw no reason not to relieve Hickman straight off.

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快结束时,斯普鲁恩斯和帕格·亨利交换了一下探询的眼色。Spruance and Pug Henry exchanged quizzical looks near the end.

这个小小的黑色的哈巴狗与它的翅膀,它的确看起来像蝙蝠。This little black pug with wings on it, and it really did look like a bat.

帕格正在那里琢磨这些可能性时,忽听见急促的敲门声。As Pug sat mulling over these possibilities an excited knock came at his door.

当天我是夥同迈阿密-戴德县巴哥犬聚会团的团员一同来参加的。I came to the picnic with my fellow members of the Miami Dade Pug Meetup Group.

凡高留下了哈巴狗小狗的完美地点小睡的伸展出一春。Van Gogh left the perfect spot for a pug puppy to stretch out for a spring nap.

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人们有大鼻子、小鼻子、狮子鼻、长相怪异的、流鼻涕的、难看的等等鼻子。They can have a big nose, little nose, pug nose, funny-looking, runny, ugly, etc.

伯恩威尔克已经充分地掌握了“登陆艇”这个问题,帕格同他合作得很好。Pug got along well with burne-wilke, who had fully grasped the landing craft problem.

帕格心想,沃特杰岛一战的惨败必定使他心情沉重,认为是对前程的一个很大打击。Pug thought that the Wotje fiasco must be weighing on him as a blight on that career.

这并没什么特别的。帕格跟拜伦说话一向很费劲。There was nothing unusual about that. Pug has always had trouble conversing with Byron.

帕格一时不知所措,而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热。Nonplussed for a moment, Pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness.

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另一名网友称她在看到这些照片后自己也忍不住去买了一只哈巴狗。Another viewer said that she had been moved to buy a pug of her own after seeing the photos.

“我知道”,帕格冷漠的口气打断了谈话,于是舰长走了。I know, " Pug said in a dry tone , that guillotined the conversation, and the captain left".

今天女朋友把我甩了,因为她老妈说只要她甩了我就给她买只哈巴狗。Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because her mom said she would buy her a pug if she did.

帕格的话音突然停下来,张口结舌地呆在那里。此时他看着几个全身盔甲的人铿锵着声音跃上了平台。But Pug stopped and gaped when he saw the mail-clad figures who had clanked up to the platform.

当她不忙着宠爱她的八哥犬伊里丝时,她就正忙着想念伊里丝了,因为那时她正在全球旅游。When she's not busy spoiling her pug Iris, she's busy missing Iris because she's traveling the globe.

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我爸爸是只纯种的哈巴狗,妈妈则是只得过奖的比格犬,我就是只哈巴小猎狗啦。Personally, my father was a purebred pug and my mother was an award-winning beagle, making me a Puggle.

在巴索的采访中,这位歌唱家说,他父亲嘲笑他的狮子鼻和青春豆。In the Bashir interviews, the singer said his father ridiculed him for his pug nose and adolescent acne.

二十年时间是很长,但不至于把鹰钓鼻变成塌鼻梁。Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man's nose from a Roman nose to a pug nose.