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泰瑞醒了过来,仍然头昏眼花。Teri wakes up, dazed.

她看起来有点眼花。She looked a little dazed.

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这名拳击手把对手击昏了。The boxer dazed his opponent.

当头一击把他打得头晕眼花。The blow on the head dazed him.

在大多数时候,我感到完全茫然无措。Most days, I felt utterly dazed.

她从树上摔下来摔得头昏眼花。The fall from the tree dazed her.

但是坐着发愣的Sucre只是道歉。But Sucre sits dazed and apologizes.

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她头上挨了一击,使她感到眩晕。She was dazed by a blow on the head.

这座富丽堂皇的宫殿使他眼花缭乱。The splendor of the palace dazed him.

他头上受了一击后就昏眩了片刻。The blow on the head dazed him for a moment.

诺顿昏沉沉地慢慢走向他的办公室。Norton walks slowly toward his office. Dazed.

投环的人目瞪口呆地盯住木板看。The player stared at the board in a dazed way.

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那只山雀被摔昏了,躺在地上一动不动。It was so dazed it just lay there without moving.

尼克抽着烟,盯着汽车目瞪口呆,一脸茫然。Nick smoked and stared at the car dumbfounded, dazed.

这个讲痤极其枯燥,以至很多学生都瞅着了。The lecture was so dull that many students dazed off.

几个小时之后,她回到处于“摇晃状态”的家里。Several hours later she arrived home in a "dazed state".

只有一会儿,我的眼睛叫你给弄模糊了,就是这样。My eyes were dazed by you for a little, and that was all.

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两个半小时后,她昏昏沉沉地出现在我面前。Two and a half hours later, she emerges, dazed and emotional.

他茫然地盯着仍在翻滚缠绕的鳗鱼。His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.

车里的一男一女好像都有点迷糊,但并没有受伤。The man and woman in the other car seemed to be dazed but unhurt.