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保障性住房难就难在资金来源。Indemnificatory housing difficultly on difficultly in sources of fund.

因为目前,深圳的保障房价格大约为市场价格的三分之一。Currently, the price of indemnificatory housings is about one-third of the market price in Shenzhen.

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保障性住房建设既是政府的政治责任也是政府的法律义务。The building of indemnificatory housing is not only a political responsibility but also a legal obligation.

他最终和芝加哥签订了一份非保障性的最低工资合约以参加公牛的训练营。He signed a non- indemnificatory minimum wage contract with Chicago to participate in bull's training battalion finally.

对于房地产市场下一步发展走向,李开发认为仍要大力发展保障性住房。Regarding the real estate market next step development trend, Li develops thought that must develop the indemnificatory housing vigorously.

太保等公司表示,将重点发展养老险和重疾险等保障性强的产品。Companies and so on grand guardian indicated that prioritize retirement danger and grave illness danger and so on indemnificatory strong products.

具体来说,就是保障性住房的配售、出租、转让都只能由当地政府处理,不能由居住者自由转移。Specifically, it is to say that the sale, leasing and transfer of indemnificatory housings can only be handled by local government, not by residents.

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分析了烟台市城市生活垃圾处理的现状,指出了所存在的主要问题,提出了改进的合理化建议与应采取的相应政策保障。By analyzing the treatment status quo of Yantai City's municipal solid waste, the primary problem, improve proposal and indemnificatory policy are put forward.

经济适用房制度是政府为了解决中低收入群体住房困难而提出的带有保障性和福利性质的住房援助制度。Economical housing system is a kind of indemnificatory and welfare assistance from the government in order to solve the housing problem of the low-income groups.

政府对城中村改造、旧城改造和保障性住房建设项目,给予了重点优惠。The government transforms, the old city transformation and the indemnificatory housing items of basic construction to Chengzhong Village, has given the key preferential benefit.