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叶基生,具叶柄,通常细微棕色。Leaves basal, petiolate, usually minutely brown punctate.

视力模糊,眼睛刺痛,点状角膜炎,结膜充血。Blurred vision, eye irritation, punctate keratitis, conjunctival hyperemia.

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CT显示球内高密度肿块可见斑点状或团块状钙化斑。CT showed that high-density tumor mass with punctate or plaque calcification.

图示梗死为小斑点状出血,梗死由栓子引起。The infarction seen here has punctate hemorrhages. This infarct was caused by an embolus.

斑点状的瘤内钙化和鼻甲骨及邻近窦壁的肥厚也见于文献报道。Punctate intratumoral calcification and hyperostosis of the turbinate bones and adjacent sinus walls have also been reported.

影像表现包括双侧筛腺扩大,不均匀强化的囊实性病变和点状钙化。Findings include bilateral parotid enlargement, heterogeneous enhancement of solid and mixed cystic lesions, and punctate calcifications.

个月时蒲肯野细胞的轮廓明显可辨,阳性颗粒勾勒出蒲肯野细胞主树突轮廓。In 8 months, the profile of the Purkinje cell could be found, positive punctate products outlined the main dendrite of the Purkinje cell.

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在结膜炎、点状角膜炎、部分性遮闭或接触性皮炎等类型中使用也会有很大机会出现毒性作用。And there's also a significant chance of toxicity in the form of conjunctivitis, punctate keratitis, partial occlusion, or contact dermatitis.

针对后枕条形疤痕或点状疤痕,可进行全面修复移植而达到整体美观无痕效果。Be directed against punctate or longilineal scars in donor area, overall repair transplantation can be performed to reach seamless aesthetic result.

浓密,花瓣白色或带白色绿色具点的紫褐色与否,倒卵状长圆形,约7毫米,边缘密啮蚀状或短流苏状,先端微缺。Petals white or whitish green, densely purple-brown punctate or not, obovate-oblong, ca. 7 mm, margin densely erose or shortly fimbriate, apex emarginate.

方法对收集的1例点状掌跖角化病家系进行系统的临床表型和遗传学特点的分析,并将结果与国内报道的其他4例点状掌跖角化病家系进行对比分析。Methods The clinical and genetic data from 1 case in a family were analyzed, and compared with 4 pedigrees of punctate PPK reported in the Chinese literature.

增强CT通常表现为双侧腮腺扩大,不均匀强化的囊实性肿块和点状钙化。Contrast enhanced CT typically demonstrates bilateral parotid enlargement, heterogeneous enhancement of solid and mixed cystic lesions and punctate calcifications.

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腹部超音波,电脑断层及核磁共振影像显示在肝脏尾叶有一个多囊性的肿块,合并有囊壁及间隔的增厚及钙化。Abdominal sonography, CT and MRI showed a multiloculated cystic mass in the caudate lobe of liver with some punctate calcifications at the peripheral wall and thickened septa.

病人在急诊室立即接受大量生理食盐水冲洗,随后之眼部细隙灯检查发现左眼有明显之点状角膜上皮缺损及结膜充血水肿。The eye was irrigated with saline immediately, but the initial slit-lamp examination showed diffuse punctate epithelial keratopathy, prominent conjunctival injection and chemosis.