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再认可海狸的无辜和创造力。I concede the innocence and creativity of beavers.

数据并没有显示我们已经稳获冠军。Stats do not concede us to be certain of the Scudetto.

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我可以让步同意这一点并且多骂一句"废话"。To that I nod, concede the point, and say, "Bullshit."

但要承认,在最后一分钟失球确实运气不佳。To concede a goal in the last minute is really bad luck.

我很高兴我们没有失球。I am pleased with the fact that we didn't concede a goal.

戴夫·卡维不准备就此让步。Dave Cavey is not ready to concede losing too much ground.

我们不能丢球,必须要阻止防反。We can't concede goals and we have to stop the counter-attack.

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但是,部里的官员又承认,这些步骤至今没有什么成效。But ministry officials concede that those steps have not worked.

当出现性格上的碰撞时,天秤需要做出让步。In case there is a collision of characters Libra should concede.

他说,发展中国家需要在服务上作出更多让步。Developing countries needed to concede more on services, he said.

双方都坚持己见并且不肯退让。Both men persisted in their have opinions or neither will concede.

哪怕是在最危急的时刻,小牛和它的家族也没有丝毫退让。Even in extreme moments, the calf did not concede. Neither did his herd.

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甚至官方媒体和中国网管中心也承认了之一点。Even the state-run media and tennis officials appear to concede the point.

每一方都只肯承认一些承认后不会丢脸的东西。Each side wishes to concede only what can be conceded without loss of face.

在首战安科纳告捷后,我们希望继续我们的积极势头,我们要精神高度集中,不给对手空间。We need to keep concentration high and not to concede space to the opponents.

吉伯特和同事们不情愿地承认,我们易轻信的心智好像喜欢坏消息。Gilbert and colleagues concede that our credulous mentality seems like bad news.

谢天谢地我们没有被进球,还有一场比赛来决定那支是进军的球队。Thank God we did not concede any goals and we will play the qualification there.

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但他似乎也同意微软在某些方面需要进行改进。Yet Mr. Ballmer seemed to concede that Microsoft needs improvement in some areas.

在93分钟对抗一个球队的比赛里,没有一次打门,你可以认输了!You can concede in the 93rd minute against a team that hasn't had one shot at goal.

杰克假装作出让步,忽悠嫌犯把脸转开了,尽管只有一秒的时间。Jack pretends to concede but tricks the suspect into looking away for just a second.