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这是一个可提升的属性。A promotable property.

因为这个性质。Because of this property.

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他还有巨大的财产。He also had big property.

为什么呆在屋企?。Why did you stay property?

他也因此拥有了一些财产。He also owns some property.

该属性是强制的。This property is mandatory.

它具有泛性质。It has a universal property.

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一些热钱已进入地产市场。Some has gone into property.

我们都认同财产权。We agree on property rights.

土地产权交易。Transaction of land property.

分析了频繁函数集的性质。Analyzing the property of FFS.

一个2D向量属性的值。Value of a 2D vector property.

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你租着房子住。You live in a rental property.

他贱卖了自己的财产。He bargained away his property.

这是依数性。This is a colligative property.

他要求收回他失去的财产。He re-claimed his lost property.

这是一个财产禽流组。It is a property of Wadia group.

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别让你的小孩子乱动我的财物。Keep your brats off my property.

他们的房地产紧靠着湖泊。Their property adjoins the lake.

这种性质可以是颜色。And that property could be color.