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每个学生的总分都已计较出来平列入表中。Each student's marks were totaled and entered in alist.

在忠诚的侍者的腰里存有那拾位听众的名单。In the faithful waiter's waist exists alist of the ten listeners.

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从你所创建的当中选择你的目的文件然后点击运行按钮即可。Select your destination from alist you have created then click Go.

重建改变的文件然后刷新当前项目。创建一个页面后调用。Rebuild file alist and refresh current project. Call after creating a page.

这个世界不大可能会留意到一个严肃的环境保护者的警告。This is not a world likely to note the advice of a serious environment alist.

把这些个重要问题列在一路,你就能够举行自我模考了。Keep alist of these key questions and you'll have written your own practice test.

列出你在家和在学校的困难,然后问一问你同学的意见。What problems do you have at home?At school?Make alist. Then ask your classmates for advice.

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为了使自己生活中不犯错误,特列出我认为应该身体力行的13条守则。To help myself live without fault, I made alist of what Iconsidered the 13 virtues. These virtues are.

列举出青少年应该做和不应该做的事情,然后与同伴一起讨论所列举的事情。Make alist of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner.

您访问和你那里做过的事情写的地方。然后进行会话中使用下面的结构。Write down alist of places you visited and the things you did there. then make conversations using the structures below.

在享受了十年的中国经济增长后,他成了中国500富人之一。After adecade riding the wave of China's fevered economic growth, he made it on to alist of the country's 500 richest people.

今日是黉舍开放日。列一张学生需要做的事情的清单,决定谁应该做这些个事情,之后在教室里找到他们,向他们提问。It's the school open day. Make alist of things students need to do. Decide who should do these things, then go around the class and ask them.

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今天是学校开放日列一张学生需要做的工作的详细登记单,决定谁应该做这些工作,然后在教室里找到她们,向她们提问。It's the school open day. Make alist of thellongs students need to do. Decide who should do these thellongs, then go around the class and ask them.