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杜甫亦具有闲逸情调。Du also possesses leisure sentimentalism.

那是一本充满著感伤主义的小说。That is a novel reeking with sentimentalism.

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这是一本充满著感伤主义的小说。This is a novel reeking with sentimentalism.

歌颂为他人牺牲的病态温情主义!Sickly sentimentalism about sacrifice for others!

一股带有时代与社会特征的感伤情调弥漫于整部作品之中。In those tales, there was full of sentimentalism about times and society.

感伤情调作为其小说的一种风格,背后的原因是他浓厚的生命悲剧意识。Behind the sentimentalism of his novels is the consciousness of tragedy of life.

多愁善感就是用你自己并不真正拥有的感情来消耗你自己。Sentimentalism is the working off on yourself of feelings you haven't really got.

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国内学术界对此著作的研究也主要局限于文本所体现的感伤情怀。And domestic researches mainly focus on the sentimentalism reflected in the text as well.

它在本质上是北方的重情主义对希腊尚知主义的排斥。It is, essentially, a rejection of Hellenic intellectualism by the sentimentalism of the North.

意境,是艺术作品通过形象描写,表现出的境界和情调。Mood, an expression of state and sentimentalism reflected through images in art works, is essential to any touching art works.

感伤主义小说与其他小说类型一道,促成了中国小说叙事形式由传统向现代的转变。The sentimentalism novel, together with other novel types, has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern.

英国诗歌大家托马斯·格雷属于感伤主义诗人,具有古典主义的特点,被视为浪漫派的先驱。Thomas Gray, a great master in poetry, is a sentimentalism poet with some classical traits and is regarded as the forerunner of Romanticism.

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在写实派、浪漫派和现代派的创作中,感伤有着各不相同的风格表征和审美特质。In the literary creations of the schools of realism, romanticism and modernism, sentimentalism showed different stylistic and aesthetic characteristics.

明清家庭小说几乎自始至终都弥漫着浓烈的感伤主义情绪,有着强烈的悲剧精神,悲剧主题是这一类别小说的共性特征。The saga novels in Ming and Qing dynasties were always permeated with a strong sentimentalism. Tragic theme is the common feature of the novels of this kind.

荒唐的感情用事使我们用不上可以和平获得的石油,只因为那有可能破坏北极鹿的繁殖地。It is a ridiculous sentimentalism that would deny ourselves oil that is peacefully attainable because it risks disrupting the breeding grounds of Arctic reindeer.

徐志摩创作了大量的歌咏爱情和自然的诗,并在创作中直接秉承了传统诗歌的精神品格和生命情调。Xuzhimo created a large number of amatory poems and natural poems, in which he inherited spiritual character and life sentimentalism of traditional poetry directly.

在这个凌驾于两国历史上的感情因素的问题上,菲律宾应当避免把自己的政治资本交给美国。The Philippines should avoid spending its political capital with the United States on this issue, which was largely built upon historical sentimentalism between the two.

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对时间生命意识的表现,构成了中国古典诗歌的基本主题之一,它赋予中国古典诗歌最为感人的生命情调。Display of the awareness of time and life, which entrusted the most moving sentimentalism of life to Chinese poetry, constituted one of the basic themes of Chinese classical poetry.

白先勇独特的人生经历、情感特征和中国传统文学美学思想的影响,使其小说创作充满了浓重的感伤主义色彩。Bai Xianyong's particular personal life experience, his sentimental character and the Chinese traditional literary aesthetic views imbue his fiction creations with dense sentimentalism.