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世界上最奢华的狩猎之旅The world's most deluxe safari.

这次春游,我们去野生动物园玩。We went to safari park for spring outing.

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西洛和桑妮去非洲肯尼亚狩猎旅行。Hero and Sunny are on a safari in Keyna , Africa.

打猎你该穿上游猎便装。You should put on your safari suit to go hunting.

我们搭乘两辆吉普车,进入了广阔的野生动物园。We took two jeeps to go into the huge safari park.

想在炎热的非洲旅行?Would you like to go on a hot air safari in Africa?

在英国的一个野生动物园里一头象堪称毕加索。And pachyderm turns Picassoat a safari park in Britain.

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英国野生动物园的一头大象俨然变身为毕家索。And a pachyderm turns Picasso at a safari park in Britain.

猎人和妻子,岳母一起去非洲狩猎,夜宿在丛林中。A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in

阿拉伯沙漠里的吉普车越野赛,正在翻越沙丘的吉普车。Jeeps negotiating sand dunes on jeep safari in Arabian Desert.

很多狩猎之旅团提供有私人主厨的奢侈旅馆。Many safari groups offer luxurious hotels with personal chefs.

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一位职业猎人带着妻子和岳母一块去游猎。A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in-law.

我那天穿了一身咔叽布猎装,是当时很流行的款式。That day I wore a khaki safari suit, a popular style. at the time.

三只罕见的白色幼狮在德国一个野生动物园首次与游客会面。And three rare white lion cubs made their debut at a safari park in Germany.

在肯亚首都奈洛比附近,您可以体验罕有的徒步野外观兽行程。Near Nairobi, Kenya's capital, you can experience rare on-foot safari walks.

穿上最新的民族服和狩猎装去冒险吧,今春的这些服装包括串珠,动物皮纹以及狩猎夹克。looks this spring including beaded jewelry, animal prints and safari jackets.

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带上一些装备会极大提升你的萨法利质量。A few key accessories can greatly improve the quality of your safari experience.

跟大象眼瞪眼,守候饥饿的鳄鱼,非洲探险之旅。Eye to Eye With an Elephant, and Watching for Hungry Crocs, on Safari in Africa.

艾德里安•卡尔是一名赞比亚的一名白人,他是这块谷地中主要的游猎经营者之一。Adrian Carr, a white Zambian, is one of the leading safari operators in the valley.