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面向服务的系统目前大行其道,并且的确理应如此。Service-oriented systems are currently all the rage, and rightfully so.

但我不在乎,他们会离开,展开他们人生新篇章,理当如此。They do go off and start a new chapter in their lives and rightfully so.

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今年是香港交易所众将士可以开香槟庆祝的一年。This year is one when the folks at HKEx can rightfully break out the champagne.

享受在家庭教育中正确行使父母权力的愉悦感。Enjoy the feeling of power that is rightfully yours as the parent in the family.

上海无疑以高速发展的现代大都市而闻名,它充满了青春活力。Shanghai is rightfully known as a fast-moving, hypermodern city — full of youth and vigor.

因此,图书馆员就应当被作为某种产品或服务来对待。Thus, librarians rightfully should be treated as if they were providing any product or service.

但是,谁正当地“拥有”这些材料的诉求常常比保护人士所承认的更为复杂。But claims on who rightfully 'owns' this material are often more complex than activists acknowledge.

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所以,决定改学英国口音之后不久,我就按照自己的意愿走偏了。Therefore, shortly after setting out to learn a British accent, I went astray but rightfully my way.

结果就是这样,客户说不行,直到我接触了微软,我和微软一起合作,我们做成了这笔生意。Rightfully so, the customer said no way, until I reached out to Microsoft. Together, we got the deal.

索利斯站了起来,但他的腿弯曲了,裁判及时终止了比赛。Solis got back on his feet but his legs buckled and the referee rightfully called a halt to the action.

未来之应供、正觉者、世尊亦恭敬、尊重、亲近法而住。The worthy, rightfully enlightened ones, in the future will live attending to and revering the Teaching.

这一切是值得的,因为你知道你打败了那些讨厌的、不断偷走属于你东西的猪。It's all worth it just to know that you bested those pesky pigs who keep stealing what's rightfully yours.

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当涉及互联网时,对华盛顿拥抱一些疯狂想法的批评是正确的。Washington is sometimes rightfully criticized for harboring some crazy ideas when it comes to the Internet.

如果让他们做约束人权的永恒律法的阐释者,那就是另一回事情。If they were the interpreters of the everlasting laws which rightfully bind man, that would be another thing.

由于Dressler先生对我的房屋并无权益,与农夫公司亦无合同关系,您的权利要求将被正当驳回。Since Mr. Dressler has no interest in the house or privity with Farmers, your claim will be rightfully rejected.

弥尔顿争论到政府不能,正当的存在于个人良心之外。Milton's arguing that there's no authority that can rightfully exist outside of the conscience of the individual.

然后这些竞争对手就派出自己的舞女去跳舞---并且收取本应该属于他的那份钱。These rivals then send out their own entertainers to do the dancing--and to collect the fees that should rightfully be his.

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起先,艾美理直气壮地去凯文家理论,要求讨回她的地,但凯文母亲和姐姐叫警察将她扫地出门。At first, Amy rightfully to Kevin home theory, demanding back to her, but Kevin out her mother and sister went to the police.

球迷们相信是时候让俱乐部去争取本属于自己的东西,尤其是在球场上所获得的29次联赛冠军。The fans believe it is time the club fights for what is rightfully theirs, and that is the 29 Scudetti they won on the field.

肯纳德和斯考威利已经拒绝透露残骸的位置,他们认为这只船将是战争的标志。Kennard and Scoville have refused to reveal the wreck's position. They consider the ship to be a war grave, and rightfully so.