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现在让我们来讨论一下那块月光石吧?Can we talk about the moonstone?

你以前见过月亮石没?。Well, have you actually seen the moonstone before?

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神圣的月亮石回到了印度人的手中。The sacred Moonstone returns to the hands of the Indians.

月亮石是月亮神额头上的一颗印度教的神圣宝石。The Moonstone is a sacred Hindu diamond at the forehead of the Moon-God.

难道坎迪医生或戈弗雷只是为挽回颜面才偷走月亮宝石?Did Dr Candy or Godfrey take the Moonstone as revenge for the loss of face?

从社会方面,月亮石作为一块试金石,用来反应人类的贪婪。Socially, the Moonstone is employed as a touchstone to reflect man's greediness.

传说说,月长石是一种珍贵礼物,因为它引起爱好者招标的热情。Legend says that Moonstone is a highly prized gift for lovers as it arouses tender passion.

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这赢得了名声和绰号“月光石,对官方的植物王国”。This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".

与此同时,富兰克林·布莱克收到罗莎娜的一封信,信中说她知道在月亮宝石失踪的那个晚上布莱克干过什么事。Franklin Blake, meanwhile, received a letter from Rosanna saying that she knew what he had done on the night the Moonstone disappeared.

特别是,月亮石成为了英国帝国主义掠夺的象征,与个人犯罪相比,更是民族犯罪的象征。In particular, the Moonstone becomes the sign of England's imperial depredation and the symbol of national rather than a personal crime.

月光石有几种颜色,但分析测试表明都属于正长石,研究表明月光效应是由其自身结构决定的。The moonstone has several kinds of color, they all belong to orthoclase. It is shown by study that the moonlight effect is determined by its own inner structure.