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咱们坐电梯。Let's take the lift.

我准备好要做拉皮手术了。I'm ready for a lift.

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雾开始消散。The fog began to lift.

窗子提不起来。The window won't lift.

比尔,你扶不起我的。Bill you can't lift me.

我几乎无法抬起它。I could hardly lift it.

空气泵吸走淤泥。Air lift to suck up mud.

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这电梯开不动了。The lift is not working.

解除玛玟夫人的诅咒。Lift Lady Marwen's curse.

抬起你的废纸篓!Lift up your wastebaskets!

不过我们用不着使用升降机。Not that we need the lift.

我们那会儿都挤在电梯中。The lift was swarmed by us.

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惟有耶稣是我歌赋。We will lift up Jesus ever.

握不住的沙,何不扬了它。Hold a sand, why not lift it.

拿起饺子皮的一端。Lift up one side of the skin.

这个箱子太重,提不起来。The box is too heavy to lift.

你所将要高举的是什么呢?Who are you going to lift up?

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让兰寇为你实现一些小小的改变吧。Have a little lift on Lancôme.

提起你的膝盖和大腿。Lift your kneecaps and thighs.

箱子太重,拿不起来。The box was too heavy to lift.