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豪厄尔手中的水果蛋糕碎了。The slice of fruitcake crumbled in Howell’s hand.

先停下来,考虑一下水果蛋糕和酒店淋浴。Consider fruitcake and hotel showers for a moment.

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他们吃着白葡萄酒腌泡过的梨子,配着水果蛋糕。They had pears in white wine, with a piece of fruitcake.

欧洲和美国都有的一种传统礼物则是水果蛋糕。A traditional gift in Europe as well as in America has been fruitcake.

可别告诉我,去年圣诞节人送的水果蛋糕你还收著呢。Don't tell me you still have the fruitcake we received last Christmas.

汤姆真是古怪极了。他们总有一天要把他送人疯人院。Tom is as nutty as a fruitcake. They will put him in a nuttery someday.

时间先拨回50年代,那时很流行用水果蛋糕做婚礼蛋糕。Back in the '50s, it was rather fashionable to have a fruitcake as a wedding cake.

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时间先拨回50年代,那时很流行用水果蛋糕做婚礼蛋糕。Back in the 1950s, it was rather fashionable to have a fruitcake as a wedding cake.

婚礼选水果蛋糕是英国的一项传统,并且凯恩斯也因此名声大噪。It is a British tradition to choose fruitcake for weddings, and Cairns is famous for them.

他看来没有什么,但他一开口说话,我们就知道他已经疯得很厉害了。He looked all right, but when he began to talk, we saw that he was as nutty as a fruitcake.

这项研究并不表示,你可以随便给你的红颜知己买些节日里吃的糖果和水果蛋糕。This study doesn't mean that you should go around buying your lady holiday-themed sweaters and fruitcake.

而现在月饼更像是圣诞节的水果蛋糕,被当作礼物送来送去。Nowadays, the mooncake has become the Christmas fruitcake of China, passed around and regifted ad infinitum.

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不过请注意,这项研究并不意味着你可以给你的女朋友买一件假日主题的毛衣或是干果蛋糕做礼物了事就行了。But be careful. This study doesn't mean that you should go around buying your lady holiday-themed sweaters and fruitcake.

圣十字架修道院赶在1995年圣诞节购物高潮之际,在“全球网”上推出了自己的“修道院水果蛋糕”,并收到了三百份定单。Abbey launched its "monastery fruitcake" on the World Wide Web in time for the 1995 Christmas rush and received 300 orders.

安的奶奶用她爷爷从纽约码头带回家的水果为她的婚礼烤了一个三层的黑色水果蛋糕。Ann's grandmother used the fruit that Ann's grandfather brought home from the docks in New York to bake a three-layer dark fruitcake for the wedding.

据美联社4月19日报道,家住威斯康星州瓦克萨的兰斯·内斯塔回忆说,这个水果蛋糕是他的两位姨妈在1962年寄给他的,当时他正参军驻扎在阿拉斯加。"I was amazed that it hadn't changed at all," he said. Nesta's two aunts sent him the fruitcake in November 1962 while he was stationed in Alaska with the Army.

家庭聚餐总是以黏牙的太妃糖布丁以及果酱布丁卷作为结束。Family gatherings often end with sticky toffee pudding or jam roly-poly . At holiday get-togethers, Christmas pudding and fruitcake are served with afternoon tea.

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4月29日在白金汉宫婚宴上的客人可以自行选择“巧克力饼干蛋糕”,这是一种英国人众所周知的经典水果蛋糕。Guests at the Buckingham Palace reception on April 29 will be able to choose between the "chocolate biscuit cake," as it is commonly known in the UK, and a classic fruitcake.

巨大的士兵玩偶和两层楼高的水果蛋糕立在法租界中,一家丝芙兰店外树木流光溢彩,还有个直径三英尺大小的节庆日包子。Giant toy soldiers and a two-storey fruitcake in the middle of the French Concession, glowing bedazzled trees outside a Sephora, and a three-foot diameter festive steamed dumpling.

内斯塔说,母亲当时就“知道我讨厌这种东西,但是她说她没有心情告诉我姨妈,既然她们已经寄了这个蛋糕”。His mom had given him advance warning of the fruitcake back in 1962. "She knew I hated the damn things, but she said she didn't have the heart to tell my aunts, who had already mailed it," he said.