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你真这样看吗,伊夫先生?Do you think so, Mr Fife ?

法伊夫先生从来不提起他死去的儿子。Mr Fife never speaks of his dead son.

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找到名单上的隐藏的对象,并采取横笛。Locate the hidden objects on the list and take the FIFE.

一个有鼓和横笛的乐队,演奏了“星条旗”。A band, with fife and drum, played “The Star Spangled Banner.

一个有鼓和横笛的乐队,演奏了“星条旗”。A band, with fife and drum, played “The Star Spangled Banner.”

好,夫人,正如主席先生说的…一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。Like President Fife says, one bad egg can rot the whole barrel.

麦克白对麦克德夫——伐夫地区的大乡绅一直心存妒意。Macbeth had entertained a jealousy of Macduff, the thane of Fife.

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依然拿着横笛站在山冈上,把黄昏吹得悠长。He was still standing on the hummock piping the fife in the long dusk.

风笛、横笛、鼓、高嗓门总要先行一步。The bagpipes, the fife and drums, the raised voices, always went first.

五月份选举失利后,布朗就回到他的家乡法夫。Brown returned to his family home in Fife after losing the election in May.

同时对犹太人的生活方式以及犹太思想文化也产生了深刻的影响。Meanwhile, it exerts important influences on both the Judaic fife style and the Jewish culture.

一旦你开始思考这些模型和脚本,你将发现它们无处不在。Once you begin thinking about these models and scripts, you'll find them everywhere in your fife.

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本周一,苏格兰法夫郡的科学家们公布,海豚和人类一样,通过称呼对方的“名字”进行交流。Dolphins communicate like humans by calling each other by name, scientists in Fife reported on Monday.

1979年他第一次参与议会选举失利后,于1983年当上了法夫行政区邓弗姆林东区的下院议员。He first stood for parliament in 1979 and lost, but then became MP for Dunfermline East in Fife in 1983.

与金鹰体操队,天虹舞蹈组,紫荆鼓笛队及众工作人员合照。Group photo with Golden Eagle Gymnastic Team, Rainbow Dance Group, Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp as well as all helpers.

两天后的婚礼,维多利亚女王在他在英国的贵族法夫和麦克达夫侯爵公爵。Two days after the wedding, Queen Victoria created him Duke of Fife and Marquess of Macduff in the Peerage of the United Kingdom.

也许你会悠哉游哉,在法夫郡那自由王国五彩缤纷的渔村里自由徜徉,或者在充满神奇色彩的圣安德鲁斯老球场体验一把。Perhaps you'll potter around colourful fishing villages in the Kingdom of Fife and tee off on the legendary Old Course in St Andrews⑤.

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现在他与妻子及子女住在法夫郡,在圣安德鲁大学教授“创意写作”、“文学与生态学”等课程。He now lives in Fife with his wife and children and teaches Creative Writing, Literature and Ecology courses at the University of St Andrews.

民众吼叫着。在这吼叫声中,风车约翰的嗓音盖过一切,好似尼姆③嘈杂乐队演奏中的短笛声,刺透了喧嚣。Shouted the audience the shrill voice of joannes de molendino sounding above all the rest and piercing the general uproar like the fife in a charivari at names.

法伊夫说,新西兰航空对拓展中国市场有浓厚的兴趣,近几年,新西兰航空每年在中国的投入就超过1亿美元。Fife said that Air New Zealand to expand the Chinese market has a strong interest in recent years, Air New Zealand investment in China each year on more than one hundred million U. S.