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他是个心脏外科医生。He is a cardiac surgeon.

所以,她成了外科医生。So, she became a surgeon.

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林先生是位技术纯熟的外科医师。Mr. Lin is a dexterous surgeon.

外科医生为她接好断臂。The surgeon set her broken arm.

外科医学对病人作了仔细检查。The surgeon explored the patient.

杨是一个30的北京外科医生。Yang is a Beijing surgeon in his 30s.

我们只是有同样的整型医师。We just have the same plastic surgeon.

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是啊!我看过外科医生了。Yes, I did. I went to see the surgeon.

一名外科医生问他姓什么。A surgeon asked him what's his surname.

在古巴,Mestas是一个骨科医生。Mestas was an orthopedic surgeon in Cuba.

外科医生把她的断骨接好了。The surgeon has knitted her broken bones.

外科医生从她的颈部切除了一个瘤子。The surgeon removed a growth from her neck.

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他使自己被承认为主治外科医师。He established himself as a leading surgeon.

沙比尔先生无疑是一位很有本领的外科医生。Mr. Sapir is a surgeon of undoubted ability.

这名外科医生运用外科学救了很多人。The surgeon had saved many lives by surgery.

外科医生把她摔断的肩胛骨重新接好。The surgeon reset her broken shoulder blade.

外科医生需要切开我的脸颊才能救回我的眼睛。The surgeon cut open my cheek to save my eye.

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他们把我送到外科主任的办公室。They took me to the surgeon general's office.

吉利斯把整形外科医生看作是雕塑家。Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor.

外科医生是给病人做手术的人。A surgeon is a person who operates on the sicks.