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但是资本主义呢?But what about capitalism?

这就是资本的循环。It is the cycle of capitalism.

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这是资本主义走到尽头了。This is the end of capitalism.

无摩擦资本主义是什么?。What is friction-free capitalism?

但是他表示社会主义并非资本主义。But, he says, socialism is not capitalism.

它是资本主义最坚强的支柱。It is the strongest bulwark of capitalism.

“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。Capitalism is a term invented by Karl Marx.

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它们是资本主义的精神危机They are crises of the ethos of capitalism.

然而,你却无法想像资本主义的末日。But you cannot imagine the end of capitalism.

的理论提出一个。He gives an analysis of industrial capitalism.

现在资本主义的国家有如惊弓之鸟。Now capitalism is in a funk in its heartlands.

我们需要的是更好的资本主义模式。What we need is a better version of capitalism.

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工会以福利资本主义为其奋斗目标。The union is oriented towards welfare capitalism.

中国以惊人的速度吃透了资本主义。China has learned capitalism at a staggering rate.

我们一定要从资本家手中拯救资本主义。We'll have to save capitalism from the capitalists.

私募股本公司是资本主义的新主子。Private-equity firms are the new kings of capitalism.

资本主义卡夫丁峡谷究竟能否跨越?。Can We Really Stride over Caudine Forks of Capitalism?

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日本长期实行着一种家族资本主义的模式。JAPAN has long practised a form of familial capitalism.

中国为什么能跨越“资本主义制度的卡夫丁峡谷”What is the Way That China Strides Over the Capitalism?

部分反对资本主义的理由无法回答。Part of the argument against capitalism is unanswerable.