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程序名。Program name.

异常中断程序。Aborts the program.

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调试程序。Debug your program.

程序是无符号!Program is unsigned!

这就是其中一个程序。So here is a program.

这是哪套节目?Which program is this?

程序启动街区。BBL Program boot block.

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欢迎来到我们节目。Welcome to the program.

节目单有变化吗?Does the program change?

先生,你用的是什么程序?What program do you use?

全球火山活动计划。Global Volcanism Program.

让我清理一下代码。Make my program prettier.

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所以如何来写一个程序呢。So how to write a program.

谁支持这项计划?Who's behind this program?

它终止了你的程序。It terminates your program.

这是一个宏大的规划。This is a baronial program.

产生一个叫做“a,out“的程序。The program is called a.out.

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什么是西交利物浦精英计划?What is XJTLU ELITE program?

程序退出,调试结束。Program exited with code 027.

所以这个程序是干嘛的呢?So what does this program do?