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我已经在沙滩上放了一张日光躺椅。I have set a sun lounger on the beach.

迷人的大堂设有一个休息区和免费无线网络连接。Outside you can relax on a sun lounger beside the pool.

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你将是那宽阔而肌肉发达的田野,常青橡树的枝条,在我。Broad muscular fields, branches of live oak, loving lounger in my.

她们非常清楚任何一个过路人或游手好闲者都可能告密。They knew only too well that any passer-by, any lounger , might be a spy.

我们舒适的,巨大尺寸的躺椅使您的游戏室或家庭影院更完美。Our plush, giant-size lounger is perfect for your game room or home theater.

X懒人沙发是基于单线条,沿着曲面双层折叠而成的。The X Lounger is based on a single ray, traced along a periodic double curved surface.

房间里没有足够的空间同时放一张座椅和一张沙发?Don't have enough space to place a chair and a lounger simultaneously in your apartment?

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您可以在室外游泳池旁的日光浴躺椅上沐浴着地中海的阳光度过一天。Spend your day in the Mediterranean sunshine on a sun lounger beside the outdoor swimming pool.

保罗在躺椅上睡觉,而那时她另一个只有一岁的儿子安德鲁正在海滩上睡觉。Paul slept on a sun lounger while hero ther son Andrew, aged one at the time, was asleep on the beach.

只在您的小家园里,这种有温泉疗养效果的休闲椅就可以打造完美的氛围,让您恢复活力。The spa lounger will set the perfect ambiance for a rejuvenating experience in the confines of your home.

整整一年了,他常去他们家,却永远是那样一个沮丧的忧伤的闲人。He had been there often, during a whole year, and had always been the same moody and morose lounger there.

椭圆形,泪滴形腿懒人让您可以调整它的权利只为你的高度。The elliptical, teardrop shape of the Leg Lounger allows you to adjust it to just the right height for you.

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不过当你在水边的躺椅上美美享受时,挂在你毛发上的水珠以及池畔的水会把你从懒汉变成龙虾。But the resulting water droplets, propped up by your body hair, poolside, could turn you from lounger to lobster.

四重感官安乐椅的技术概念还包括了由合成器演奏出的音乐,有大自然的声音,也有由特种乐器奏出的乐音。The technical concept of the 4 Senses Lounger also comprises music played by synthesizers, sounds of nature and special instruments.

与其按部就班地度过枯燥的懒散时间,库比卡选择了利用圣诞假期组建自己的卡丁车车队。Rather than just clocking in some serious sun lounger time, Robert Kubica puts his winter break to good use founding his own karting team.

一进入海军船坞,他觉得他有希望和范妮好好谈谈了,因为他们进来不久,便遇到了一个常和普莱斯先生一起厮混的朋友。Once fairly in the dockyard, he began to reckon upon some happy intercourse with Fanny, as they were very soon joined by a brother lounger of Mr.