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跳弹和“无渗透”。Ricochet and "no penetration".

那你怎么解释这颗跳弹?How do you explain this ricochet ?

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我们需要点运气才能跳出降级区。We need a lucky ricochet to go our way.

因此反射和弹跳出现了。Thus ricochet and reverberation enter in.

正在聚集多米诺骨牌或者“弹跳”效应。There is a domino or ricochet effect that is building.

太大的力会使一块岩石弹离另一块。Too much force, and the rocks ricochet off one another.

子弹弄出假作声响听起来跳弹当他们击中。The bullets make a fake noise sounding ricochet when they hit.

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射弹被盔甲反弹回去,盔甲上留下闪闪发光的毒液。They ricochet off the armor, leaving drops of glistening venom.

该模型可预期跳飞发生的临界条件。The proposed model is able to predict the critical occurrence of ricochet.

我坐下,看着四处飞溅遥远示踪剂,但声音在风中丢失。I sit and watch distant tracers ricochet but the sound is lost in the wind.

官员们担心如果反弹理论不成立的话,它可能煽动局势的紧张和导致更多的暴乱。Officials fear that if the ricochet theory pans out, it could inflame tensions and spark more riots.

IPCC后来承认那颗子弹事实上很可能是另一名警员射出的跳弹。The IPCC later admitted the bullet was in fact most likely a ricochet from one fired by a police officer.

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全球曼氏金融的困境是欧洲债务危机全球影响的最富戏剧性的例子之一。MF Global's swoon is one of the most dramatic examples of the global ricochet effect caused by Europe's debt crisis.

最后我决定冒着子弹极有可能弹飞回来击中我的危险,用我那口径为0.22英寸的步枪射击它。Finally, I decided to shoot it with my 0.22caliber rifle, risking the possibility that the SHOT might ricochet and hit me.

世界任何一地的事件越来越迅速地在整个国际系统引起反响,影响到我们每个人。Increasingly, an event in one part of the world can quickly ricochet throughout the international system to affect us all.

如何加强对侵害他人生命健康权所至的反射损害的受害人的保护,是一个不容忽视的问题。How to protect the victim of Ricochet New Arial caused by encroaching on others life or health is an issue that we cannot ignore.

至此开始,斯坦福监狱已经真的见鬼了,在这一地狱里日复一日地上演暴乱。From that point on, the Stanford Prison that had already gone to hell, just continued to ricochet around in hell for day after day.

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结果,电荷载子更可能会撞到结构的侧墙,而没有机会被缺陷弹开。Consequently, a charge carrier is much more likely to strike the sidewall of the structure before it has a chance to ricochet from a defect.

科科尼亚斯一直坚持说里格罗普鲁斯的死属于意外,是警察鸣枪示警时子弹反弹所致,当时科科尼亚斯曾与一群青少年发生争论而鸣枪警告。Korkoneas had insisted the killing was an accident, caused by the ricochet of a warning shot that he fired during an altercation with a group of youths.

这些趋势意味着世界一个地区的疾病暴发引起的紊乱将在整个全球金融和商业体系内迅速反弹。These trends mean that the disruption caused by an outbreak in one part of the world can quickly ricochet throughout the global financial and business systems.